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- also sits by himself
- when he ssees you by yourself he thinks it's a good opportunity to make a new friend
- "hi, I'm clay. I noticed you're by yourself. where are your friends? I mean... can I sit down"
- you said yes.
- you regret ^
- he won't shut up about AKR



picks on you a lot
- literally his last piece of gentlemanliness went flying out the car like Clay and Zach (watch s4 then you'll understand)
- "whAt aRe yOu dOinG bY yOurSelF. wHy woUlD soMeoNe lIkE yOu bE aLoNe aT lUnCh" 🤭

- "puSSy"
- he's mean to you. like really mean.
- when his friends aren't around, he's nice. like extremely nice.
- "hey, maybe I could sit with you?"
- obviously you're confused but he invites himself anyways.
- turns out he's a nice guy and you like him
- he likes you too but only super lowkey OR ELSE 🔪

- he sits at the same lunch table with you but sits at the opposite end 
- ignores you 
- mostly catches up on his homework while he eats lunch
- tells FML you're weird 

- omg 
- here we go again with the sweetest boy to ever exist 
- buys you a cookie 
- "hi.. I thought maybe we could eat these cookies together? I 'accidentally' bought too many."
- sits with you and shares his cookies while you talk about your least favorite classes together 

- r u d e 
- doesn't pay much attention to you at all really 
- he came up to you one day to ask if everything was okay but then the whole baseball team started making inappropriate jokes and gestures about you 
- he walked away and never tried to speak to you again because he didn't want you to get bullied by them but you thought he just didn't like you 

- walked up to you immediately
- very warm and welcoming but still cold and blunt  
- "hi. clay and I are sitting here because you're alone and this is OUR table" 
- you agreed and Tony filled you in on all the gossip and 'rules' around the school and about everyone 

- zach and jeff *chef's kiss* 
- you think he's cute and he notices you starring from across the lunch tables
- you got extremely embarrassed when he got up and walked over to you, "hey.. i noticed you were looking at me. are you okay?" 
- you invited him to sit down and he obliged, he asked you to explain yourself and you did. your explaining ended you up with a date next weekend 😳

- you caught him sneakily taking pictures of you
- when he noticed you seen him he thought he should come over and introduce himself
- "hi. I'm tyler, I-I was just- well I work for school yearbook and I thought you were beautiful so I took some pictures" he explained
- you thought he was sweet and invited him to lunch with you outside 
- he sat with you by the willow trees at the picnic table and showed you more of his work while you guys talked about yourselves and became friends 

- you were enjoying your lunch by yourself when all the sudden from across the room you heard, "DoEs A sCrEaM cOuNt" 
- you wondered what it was about and looked at the guy you heard the voice from you knew who it was, scott reed  he was part of the schools baseball team. 
- he caught you starring at him and waved at you. you looked away and ignored it. maybe he was a nice guy maybe he wasn't
- a few minutes later you felt a tap on your shoulder. when you turned around to look scott was there. "sorry about me and my friends we're kind of obnoxious" he invited himself to sit down and he tried his very best to start a conversation with you. the fact that you weren't having it only made him want to try harder

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