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As the four friends brought Ringo home, Ferris started to miss Sam already. He loved Beatles music and Sam was FRIENDS with the Beatles. You can't beat that.

Sam didn't want to leave Ferris either. She loved hanging out with him, but she was already taken by Calvin.

When they reached the Cavern, Sam decided to say goodbye to her new friends.

"Sam, I really wish you wouldn't leave" Sloane said. 

"Aw, Sloane, we'll see each other in school. Remember?" Sam said.

"Oh right. Of course. Goodbye" Sloane said embracing Sam.

Sam then turned to Cameron and hugged him tight. "See you in school" she said with a smile.

"See you there" Cameron responded.

Finally, Sam sadly turned to Ferris. "I'll really miss you, Ferris" she cried.

"Hey. I'm gonna make sure to have less days off so I can see you at school" Ferris said to her.

Ferris and Sam hugged each other tightly before Ferris said "You tell the other Beatles I said hi okay?"

"I promise" Sam responded.

"And tell that to your brother for me" said Sloane. Sam laughed. "I'll try, Sloane. But I hardly see him anymore. But I'll tell him if I see him" she said.

The three teens then left with Ferris giving Sam one last hug before following Sloane and Cameron.

"Come on, Ringo!" Sam squealed pulling Ringo inside the Cavern.

Inside the Cavern, the other Beatles and Sam's friends were all worried about her and Ringo. 

Perhaps, the most worried for Sam out of all the kids was poor Calvin.

"Sam's been gone for ages!" said George.

"I hope she's alright. She's never been gone this long before unless we're with her" said Calvin.

"Relax, Cal. Sam probably found Ringo and is on her way home" said Charles Wallace.

"Maybe. But she and Ringo have both been out all night. I hope they're not dead. If they are, it'll hurt me worse than it will them" said Calvin frantically.

"Guys!" Sam's voice said.

Sam and Ringo came running into the Cavern.

"Sam!" Calvin sobbed before smashing his lips on Sam's. "Sammy!" squealed Charles Wallace as he hopped into her arms to hug her. Meg hugged her last.

"I also found Ringo" Sam said.

"Ringo!" Paul sobbed hugging his best mate. 

"You're alive!" John shouted. "Of course I'm alive" Ringo responded.

"Sam, how'd you find him?" Meg asked. 

"Ferris Bueller and his friends helped" Sam said.

"Did you say Ferris Bueller? I thought he was really sick" said Calvin.

"No. He told me he was cutting school. We've done that before so let's not tell the school." Sam said.

"Well, he seems to always get away with it and we do too so we'll never tell anyone" Meg said.

"Thanks, Meg. Cal?" Sam said.

"Don't worry, babe. My lips are sealed tighter than that time Charles Wallace fell face-first into a sewing machine" said Calvin giving Sam a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Great. Charles Wallace?"

"I PROMISE I'll never tell anyone Ferris's secret! I look up to that boy. And even if I do tell people, I've earned a solid reputation as a huge liar" said Charles Wallace.

"Thanks, little buddy" Sam said. 

"How'd he help you find Ringo?" asked Meg. 

Sam explained Ferris's condition to her friends and they thought it was cool.

Even after the big adventure, there were thoughts of Ferris filled Sam's head.

She didn't forget him.

And that's it. That's the book. 

I'll list all the hidden references in another chapter before I mark this as complete.

Peace and love,


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