Sam meets Ferris

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Sam kept looking for Ringo until she was awestruck by a silhouette in the distance.

She ran near it and the shadow turned to face her. Sam pulled back in shock when she saw his face.

"You okay?" said the boy she found. "Yeah. I just..." Sam said.

"Wait. I know you" said the boy. 

"You do?"

"I do. Sam Pan! You're in my sister's economics class" said the boy.

"I am? Who are you?"

"Bueller. Ferris Bueller"

Sam gasped in horror. "So YOU'RE Ferris Bueller?! I thought you were sick!" she said.

Ferris looked around for signs of life. "Keep this just between us. I was faking sick so I could cut school. I'm sure you've done that" he said.

Sam yelled a shrill "WHAT?!" and Ferris clapped his hand over her mouth. 

"shhhh! Please tell me you've skipped school before" said Ferris.

"I've definitely skipped school before but I never LIED to the public about it" Sam said. 

"Listen. I'm really glad I ran into you. Everyone says you're good with mysteries." said Ferris. 

"What? Ya got a mystery I need to solve?" Sam said.

"Pretty much. Ya see, a few hours ago, my stomach started to feel weird." said Ferris.

"If that's the case..." Sam began. 

"I'm not done. Yesterday, my parents told me that I was born with a condition that makes me sense that something's wrong. They never told me how I sense it. But now I think that's why my stomach feels funny" Ferris explained. 

"Why didn't they tell you before?" 

"They didn't want me knowing as a kid because then I would have tried to put myself in danger" 

"But... but what do you need me for?" Sam said.

"I thought you'd be good. I hear people say you're great at solving mysteries. You could help me find out where my stomach is leading me to" answered Ferris. 

"It's really nice of you to ask for my help. But, not to sound selfish, but one of the Beatles is MISSING. I have my hands full of getting him back" Sam said.

"Oh yeah. I read about that. Ringo Starr disappeared. Maybe I could help with that" Ferris said.

"Hmph! If you think for one minute that I'm going to put up with your lying..." Sam began.

"Sam! I'm not lying. I'm saying if you come with me, maybe we'll find Ringo" said Ferris. 

"I'm sorry. I can't go out without the Beatles knowing. They think I'm out here looking for Ringo, which I am, but if I go with you, they won't know I'm with you. I can't" Sam said.

Sam flew away before Ferris could respond.

"Now what am I gonna do?" he said to himself. His stomach was up in knots because of his condition. He felt like he couldn't find out why without Sam. 

Wow! Sam just gave Ferris the cold shoulder! 

Will she eventually relent? Will Ferris be alright?

Let's find out in the next chapter, shall we?

Peace and love,


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