✦ resources

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my fave resources linked, as well as some resources i made myself

(01.) inline commented links to original creators

(02.) please tell me the resources you're more inclined to use via inline comments here.

) please tell me the resources you're more inclined to use via inline comments here

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also big PS:

please call out people who redistribute resources (that aren't theirs) as contest prizes and saying "credits to owners."

because that's not how most of the creators want to be credited.

if you respect & support their work on giving us free stuff to use, LINK BACK TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSTS AND READ THEIR TERMS ABOUT REDISTRIBUTION OF THEIR WORKS.

unless someone call them out then they'd never know how utterly disrespectful it is.
by call out i meant: tell them off in a civil way.

whether they stop or not is not your concern anymore since you've done your job. you can't change people. how they'd take it is all on their own.

(if they're redistributing commercially then contact original creator asap)

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