Zenitsu vs spider demon

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Zenitsu pov:|

I have to go y/n!
But first I'll deal with you
*I turn around and face the spider demon*

Demon: aww is someone upset ?Did I accidentally attack you're little girlfriend ?
He chuckles
Zenitsu:shut up!how dare you! Because you hurt her ,I'll kill you!
[i can feel my blood boil ,I hate this demon I'll make him pay for what he did!]
The spider demon attacks it's so fast I can't keep focus
So many other of the spiders that he's poisoned attack me too
It's so difficult to keep up with them
Y/n... I'm sorry if I can't make it
*flash back*
Gramps:"zenitsu I know it's hard but you can't give up!
It's ok to cry it's ok to run away but never give up believe in yourself!"
Zenitsu:gramps is right ,I can't give up just yet !
*breaths in*
Thunder breathing first form

This is what you should picture happening :)

Zenitsu:Yes I did it ! I killed it but,I have the poison In me idk how long till I loose my limbs..
it hurts so much ,with every breath I take my body aches
I feel myself loose conscious
No I have to stay awake!
For y/n....

Y/n pov:
Gahh my head hurts everything's so blurry but I'm starting to gain back my consciousness
My eyes finally open and I turn to my right to see the two bystanders that we saved
Person 1: please you have to help him!!
[huh what is she talking about ? My head still feels fuzzy ...]
Person 2: please call a doctor we have to save him!!!
*She points up in the sky where I see a house held by spider webs *
I look closer
Wait zenitsu!
No no no I can't believe it ! It's hime he's laying in top coverd In bruises and blood
My heart sinks
I run towards the house in the air
"How the hell ma I gonna get up there ?!"
Right the spider left the spider webs I'll climb on them
I begin climbing  but with every step I take the web cuts my skin I feel pain but I have to help zenitsu !
I'm getting so close to the top
Tears fall down my face as I get closer
I'm such an idiot I let him get hurt it's all my fault !
I make it to the top
You look down to see zenitsu barley breathing
Y/n:don't speak just keep breathing !!ill call for help !
You squat down by zenitsu

Zenitsu pov:
Y/n tears fall down on my face
She puts her hand on my face it's so warm
Y/n:zenitsu I'm so sorry..
Sorry ? For what I think to myself
I can't speak at all every thing hurts so bad
I look up to the sky and see butterflies
Shinobu:moshi moshi
Y/n:shinobu you have to help him please ! I think he got poisoned by the spider please help!
Shinobu:first of all calm you're breathing if you keep panicking you might pass out
*shinobu injects zenitsu with an antidote *

Shinobu:Dont worry y/n he'll get bette run no time now we have to worry about you it seems like you have cuts everywhere and you were hit hard against a tree so you should lay down before you pas-
* I feel my head go crazy and then every thing goes blurry and I pass out*
Shinobu:pass out...

Authors note :hey guys 😼sorry if this chapters made no sense I forced myself to finsh it lwkwiwjwh anyways ummm happy late Father's Day and if u don't have a dad or hate ur dad just know zenistus ur dad now 🥴wait that sounds weird nvm also if you guys want to talk to me I'm gonna go on Omegle today under the hashtags #cosplay #anime #demonslayer around 3

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