Im not dying here not yet!

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*heavily breathing * I can't die just yet I have to survive even if it's not for me but .... I have to live to see her again
Demon: "haha what are planning you snotty brat !your dead meat ! "
The demon jumps far in the air
I can do this you think to yourself
You breath in and jump off the tree and launch yourself towards the demon
*breath of Sakura slicing blossoms!
Your blade hits the demons neck and cuts right through
Yes I did it ! !
I've wasted all my energy now I have to stay still
Hehhe ..
You look to your left
no !no !I thought I killed you !!
Demon :"stupid human u didn't slice hard enough
now u die !!!"
Your'e eyes begin to shut and every things blurry
u fall off the tree u were standing on
"I guess this is it I'm Sorry kyouko..."
You feel yourself loose consciousness
You open your eyes and you see a boy his eyes look so kind and gentle it makes u want to cry
You're close to hitting the ground
Someone catches you
You look upward and it's a boy
his yellow eyes are so calming but his eyes r filled with tears you feel his warmth it's so soothing and so safe
You're eyes close and you loose consciousness

Authors note:
Hello guys it's my first time writing these things so I hope u enjoy it ! I can't wait to countine writing more in the future 😤

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