
Let's say classes up until lunch were a drag. Like who really cares about algebra? I know I don't. Somehow I still manage to get the same grades as Cheryl even though I pay even less attention than her in classes.

"Earth to Kenzie," I see a perfectly manicured hand in front of my face.

"Sorry Cherry, you were saying?"

"You sure you're good?" Cheryl asks receiving a nod from me in response. "In that case, are you up for some chaos?"

In reply, I just smirk and toss my jacket back on. What? When Cheryl said we're eating lunch outside I went back for my jacket, it's not like the jacket magically appears when I'm cold. Anyway, we both get up tossing the remains of our lunch in the trash. As we begin to walk again I realize that we're heading towards the new girl's table making me smirk even more.

"Veronica Lodge. I heard whisperings. I'm Cheryl Blossom," Cheryl says. to anyone, it would seem like just a normal introduction but we all know that Cherry is up to something.

"Mackenzie Jones. May we sit? Betty, would you mind?" I ask the blonde girl, letting my smirk be replaced with a smile instead, who lets us sit. I end being sandwiched between the blonde and red-headed girls. Before you ask, I don't have a problem with Betty, just her mother and her legacy.

"So, what are you three hens gossiping about? Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?" Cheryl asks knowing full well they were talking about the red-headed boy as he left just before we walked over.

"Extracurriculars. Weatherbee wants me to sign up for a few," Veronica replies with a shrug causing me to look at her with a raised eyebrow. Hmm, something about the raven-haired girl seems familiar and it's not the fact that she's Hiram Lodges' daughter. Whatever it is, it can wait...

"Cheerleading. You must. I am the senior captain of the River Vixens. Plus, Blue here being my co-captain," Cheryl says while gesturing to me.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?" Kevin butts into the conversation. For a moment I forgot he was here if I'm being honest...

"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" Cheryl is quick with her comeback.

"Personally, I think being the bi best friend is better," I retort while sending Kevin a wink to ensure him we mean no harm. "Plus as Cherry here likes to say, some people say cheer is retro but we think it's eternal and iconic."

"At Spence, I sat at the top of the elites' pyramid. I'm in." Veronica replies with a smile. Here we go, another Northsider with too much privilege, "Betty, you're trying out too."

"Of course, anyone is welcome to try out-" I begin but don't get very far as I know a smart response is about to come out of Cheryl's red-stained lips.

"But Betty's already got so much on her plate right now... Plus being a Vixen is kind of a full-time thing, but open to all," she says as we both get up. "Follow me on Twitter and I'll do the same. My handle's @CherylBombshell."

With that, we both walk off while I shoot another wink at the table of 3 French hens. Cheryl and I then make our way back inside the school building and head towards the office to pick up our new Vixen uniforms.

"So, how was Summer, my Blue haired friend?" Cheryl asks as we strut through the corridors making everyone move out of our way.

"Busy to say the least Cherry. Between working at the bar and being made in charge of the younger Serpents I've barely had much free time," I conclude my summer in one sentence. "Though even if I had much free time I don't think your mother dearest would've liked you hanging around with me."

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