Our World

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A/n: if your heart beat does not do a backflip on seeing this stunning man then...... you ain't human

<This story is set in the medieval times of Korea>
In a world full of happiness, what if you were told smiling is a sin? Well, the people of Handong faced this. A small grin on their face meant they have to spend their life in misery, given by the unknown.
It was a busy day in the market. Everybody had long faces. Women were bargaining, kids playing on the mud slush. Even the skies were dark. Kim Da Young was strolling through the market after she ran away from the household chores her mom told her to do. Two small kids came running to her and without a second, took the money she was holding. "Hey!" She shouted. The two of them turned back, they were hungry. She felt sorry for them and let it slide. Not far away, a young man was looking at that, "Intriguing" he muttered. He followed her throughout the day, eyeing all the things she was looking at. She went out of the market and headed towards the bell tower. That was the magnificent place in Handong. Beautiful flowers were parted left and right, leaving a straight path to walk. It felt as if you entered a lonely, secret garden.
She stopped in the middle, "You can come out now"she said, her arms folded. The man immediately jumped out of his hiding place, "How did you know?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.
"Hm!" She chucked, "How wouldn't I? You were to big to hide behind that small bush"
"Really?" He smiled. His half-moon crusted smile nearly took her heart.
"You're smiling!!" She shrieked "Do you know what that means?"
"I'm already facing my misery serving the king"
She stooped on her one knee, "I'm so sorry, your master"
"Get up!" He said, feeling embarrassed, "Don't call me that.... call me Lee Jeno"
She got up on her feet and bowed, "Hello! Master Lee"
"You're making me fluttered"
He doesn't seem to stop smiling and she doesn't seem to stop wondering how he could do that.
"I know what you're thinking"
She felt startled
"I followed you because you're a person I want to know"
"That's nuisance" she said, turning away.
"It's not" he reached for her hand but pulled himself back, "the way you showed sympathy to those kids burnt my heart"
He continued, "And I know you're a wonderful person". His smile shook her world again. This time, her heart went to him and she smiled.
"You're gonna take the risk for me?" He asked, amused holding her hand
"I will if you take me to the top of the world"
"I will" Jeno replied taking her up to the Bell tower, "This is our world"

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