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"We need to take out that sub. I'll line it up, you guide it in." Logan's focus faltered for a second at the older Ghosts' wording. Damn his dirty mind. Logan quickly snapped his attention back to the task at hand and led the torpedo perfectly to the weak point of the ship and they both watched as it blew up.
"Alright good shot, that was easier than I thought. Let's get the hell out of-" Keegan was cut off by the blast of the sub's explosion. "Logan, come on! Move! Move!" They both could see the lighthouse was coming down. Keegan tried to grab onto Logan and help him but the two were quickly separated from the impact. Before Logan could try to swim away he was struck by a large piece of the lighthouse's brick.
"Kid! Logan! Logan!" Logan could barley make out the sound of Keegan's panicked voice as his body hit the bottom of the ocean floor. He felt as though he lungs would burst, his vision started to flicker to black. He struggled to remain conscious, trying to stay calm and get the heavy metal off his arm.
All at once Logan felt a huge amount of pressure being taken off his chest and his breathing tube was re-attached.
"Logan, talk to me dammit, are you ok?" softer then, "stay with me, I need you to be ok.."
"K..Keegan." Logan took a huge breath and tried to steady his focus on the sound of Keegan's voice.
"You okay?" Keegan put up the 'ok' sign with his fingers and Logan responded with a nod.
"Logan..thank god. Let's get the rest of this shit off of you." Logan helped Keegan as much as he could to pull of the rest the wall. Before he could fully recover, he was being pulled into Keegan's arms.
"Jesus kid, I thought..I thought you were dead. You can't do that to me." Then, still in shock from being in the man's arms he leaned forward pressing his forehead into Keegan's, still breathing deeply.
"Sorry...I'll have to watch out for falling lighthouse in the future." Logan said a bit of breath, "Can we just get out of this fucking ocean?"
Logan heard that warm sound of Keegan's laughter which seemed to brighten all the previous darkness that had consumed him. Keegan then pressed his forehead closer and said,
"I like the sound of that."

Logan was restless, he was laying on this stupid medical bed and wasn't even hurt! Not all that bad at least. Just a couple bruised ribs and maybe less of a fear of oceans and more of a fear of lighthouses. But the young sergeant has definitely had worse injuries. The only thing that really was on the his mind was one thing..where was Keegan? Logan was going stir crazy since he hadn't seen his friend in hours.
The nurses insisted repeatedly that he get some sleep but how could he when his mind was all consumed with Keegan. Now that the mission was out of the way it seemed to be the only thing that his mind was willing to think of.
He didn't understand why the man had reacted the way he did when he got hurt and what was up with the date thing from earlier that day?
Was it possible? No..no it couldn't be..but what if it was that he felt the same for Logan as Logan felt for him. Did he fall for him too? It didn't seem possible that the gorgeous, quiet man with the best sniper skills he'd ever seen would want to be with someone like him. Just some kid from San Diego. Logan began to piece together everything that had happened between them since they'd met to try and make sense of it all.. But damn was Keegan was so fucking mysterious. He was hard man to read and all of this was just giving him a headache.
A door opening quietly interrupted his thoughts and he saw that face, unmasked, the one that sent his head spinning and immediately his body responded by sitting up slightly. His face scrunched up in pain at the motion.
"Hey kid...are you up?" Keegan's deep voice whispered cutting through the silence. It was pretty dark in the room and probably hard to see.
"Keegan, hey. Yeah I'm up. How did you get past the medics? They seemed to be hell bent on me getting some sleep.." Keegan laughed, third time that day. It was a sweet sound, one Logan would love to hear again and again, especially if he was the one who caused it.
"Well it sure as hell wasn't easy. I tried to sneak past those nurses ten damn times but..man do they watch you like a hawk." Keegan crossed the room and gestured to the chair beside Logan's bed. "Mind if I..?"
"No, no of course not. Go ahead." Logan tried to reel in his happiness at finally being in the man's presence again, "You tried to sneak past the nurses? Really Keegan?" It was Logan's turn to laugh and he saw that soft smile from earlier creep on the edges of Keegan's mouth. Logan's eyes drifted to the other man's lips, fuck..he had such a nice smile. The urge to move closer to the dark haired man was almost impossible to fight. Keegan's light blue eyes flickered up to meet Logan's dark brown one's. "Yeah it was a pretty poor display on my part. Especially since I'm supposed to be a 'stealth expert'." Keegan moved closer to Logan as well, he could feel his breath hitting his face and Logan noticed Keegan's eyes move lower to his lips, a look in the older man's eyes he'd never seen before.
"I don't know, you must have been pretty damn good since you bested them." Logan's voice became rougher feeling the intense desire to kiss the man before him.
"You give me too much credit..I had to play dirty in the end. Nearly ended up going prone." His voice was husky and it sent a shivers down the young sergeant's spine.
"Hah, now that's something I'd like to see." Logan smirked, another small laugh escaping his lips as he imagined the older man crawling past nurses just to see him laying all pathetically in bed.
"Nah you should be glad you didn't, I tell ya kid it was awful." Keegan let his hand ruffle through the younger soldiers tousled blonde hair..the action seemed to linger a bit longer than he may have intended before he removed it. Instantly Logan missed the sensation. Keegan seemed to eye Logan all over, assessing his injuries. "So, what's the damage? They wouldn't tell me shit."
Logan shifted a bit uncomfortably in the bed, "Nothing too bad, just a couple bruised ribs and they think my wrist might be a bit sprained. Plus they had to stitch it up. Nothing to keep me out of action." Keegan seemed to squint at this, scrutinizing him further now, Logan felt a little self-conscious under his stare. Keegan's hand moved from his lap to the bed now, and it drifted to Logan's bandaged arm, his fingers gently ran across the cloth, his expression unreadable. "I know you can take care of yourself..but I still wish they was something I could have done." His fingers still grazed the bandage and Logan hadn't realized that he wasn't breathing until he needed a huge breath to fill him up. This seemed to snap Keegan out of his daze as he quickly removed his caressing fingers. If Logan would have known that would have happened he would have gladly blacked out from lack of oxygen.

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