Chapter 5: Stuck With You

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(A/N soo in the next chapter there will be a little fast forward and I will note there how much time has let's get into the story.......)

Selena's P.O.V

So we finally ate and left to look for Christal and Louis at the beach which was quite near to Macdonald's.

Zayn and I were walking hand in hand until we noticed Louis but there were two people with him one of them was obviously Christal but who was the third person is he Christal's secret boyfriend who she never told me about.

Liar!!, we went closer to notice Harry sitting with them and laughing at probably laughing at one of Louis's jokes.

We walked up to them still hand in hand. "Hey look who's here" shouted Louis trying to get attention from the two curly heads who were laughing uncontrollably. "Hey Guys" said Christal finally calming down "Hi Zayn and Selena" said Harry who had already calmed down "Wait you two are official now" said Louis who had just noticed our hands entwined.

Zayn nodded and looked at me to see me blushing.

Harry's P.O.V

They looked so cute and happy together and I had a really great feeling about all of this happening, in a sense I felt happy for Zayn and Selena getting together and little bit for myself cause Hazel was quite cute but I'll tell her what I feel at the right time, but for now it will remain a secret for her and these people I can't let Louis find out about this secret crush or he'll tease the heck out of me.

"Harry aren't you gonna congratulate them" Christal whispered while Louis congratulated them "Congrats guys, I'm so happy for you two" I say giving them my best smile "Oh com'on Harold we all know know you have the best smile" said Louis smiling at me "Just look at those dimples" said Zayn poking my dimple and also smiling. "I'm starting to have doubts about these two" said Selena in a joking manner "Admit it girls I'm cuter than you two" I say in a proud manner and all of them started cracking up.

Christal's P.O.V

We all went home to rest. I sat there on my bed when my phone started ringing.

It was Alan I answered the phone and I answered. "Yoo Christal what's up" "I'm just laying on my bed, you?" "Eh, I'm just chilling, so how did the date go" he asked "Before you start blabbering nonsense again I didn't go on a date with Louis and nothing happened" I told him because that's what he's saying for the past 5 days "I wasn't talking about you, you fool I was talking about Zayn and Selena" "Well you should have been more specific you dimwit" I told him both embarrassed and angry well don't blame me he was the one blabbering that for a jee I don't know...5 days "Yeah anyway how did it go, are they already dating" he asked I could hear the curiosity in his voice "Obviously it's like
anyone is gonna reject Selena" I said chuckling "Christal I'm serious when I ask questions so answer this one which I will be asking" "Gone on then Al" "Do you actually like Louis" "No you dimwit I'd never like Louis" I said totally lying, I mean what was not there to fall for Louis his sparkly blue eyes, his soft brown hair, his cheeky grin every time he does something to annoy Liam and God his cheekbones "Don't even dare lie to me Christal Matthews I know you better then yourself" he said its true that he knows me better then I knew myself, but I still protested and eventually gave up "Fine I do happy" I said sarcastically "I knew it" he screamed loudly "Ow my ear" I said sarcastically again "Who are you talking" said Dad standing at the door I hope he didn't hear the whole conversation about me liking Louis "It's just Alan Dad" I told him halfly about to sink in my bed because of fear "Oh I love that kid" My Dad said smiling here's the thing me and Alan are some how related and he's my cousin/male bestfriend.

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