How could I be so stupid to not remember the most important thing after my birthday going on right now? I had been studying for almost two months but that was completely swiped away after neglecting it for a few weeks.

"Are you ready?" Charlie came inside, completely redressed and ready to go as if he just showered.

"I don't know..." I answered honestly.

"You don't seem very confident, do you want to reschedule?" He put his hands on his sides and gave me that look that makes my brain melt.

"No, sir. I'll bring my notes to refresh on the way there."

Okay, I know I should have said yes but honestly...I don't think I have the ability to look him in the eyes and disappoint him by admitting that I haven't studied in over two weeks. He kept dropping hints and reminding me of the exam and I, of course because I'm a genius, always brushed it off and assured him that I have everything under control.

"Alright then, get your stuff together quickly if you want breakfast."

Cody finished getting dressed and headed downstairs. I made a pit stop in the bathroom to splash some cold water onto my face. It'll be fine I told myself. It's just a standard test, how hard could it be? Drying my hands on my jeans, I confidently swiped everything off the end stand and began heading downstairs.

We all ate our eggs and bacon in silence, all of us stuffing our faces so we would be ready for the day. Charlie always hated being late and he made sure to remind us of that since he finished his food first. He always said that there was no such thing as being early, you're either on-time or you're late. Early is on time, on time is late, and lateness is not acceptable. Mom always told us that.

"Alright, let's get going." he put the dishes in the sink and turned off the ceiling light.

"Okay." I handed him the keys to the truck, suddenly realizing that he took mine.

I'm not sure when, or even if, he'll give the keys to the truck back to me. I really wanted to drive to the test center so I could clear my mind. Driving always did that for me.

"I hope you're ready, but even if you're not this will tell you what you need to work on." He prepped me in the car.

"What's the SAT for again?" Cody asked while shifting against my shoulder, still half asleep.

"It's crucial to get into college." I shoved my nose into my book and went over some last minute tips. 

"I'd rather stay at home." Cody said.

"It won't take too long, just over 3 hours. Cody you have a therapy appointment while Eryk takes his test so you shouldn't worry about wasting time."

"Okay." He said quietly.

We arrived at the high school sooner than I thought we would; I'm used to walking to school. I pulled out two pencils from my folder but left my phone and prep-book with them in the truck.

"Good luck." Cody said sluggishly.

"Thanks, I'll see you guys later."

I looked up at Charlie, hoping to hear some words of encouragement but I was left with only a semi-approving nod and a slight smile. Good enough.



I watched through my squinted eyes as Eryk walked into the high school, he seemed confident enough by his walk but there was something about the way he acted this morning that told me he was nowhere near ready. Charlie waited before he was fully into the building before starting up the truck and driving towards town.

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