gay version

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June. Your favorite month of the year. It was a time for celebration and embracing who you were. Yet each May when June begins approaching, you feel yourself dreading it, though you weren't sure why. Maybe it was because no one in your life knew you were gay and you were afraid they would.

You were sure the people in your life would be fine if you told them. Especially Peter, your best friend. There was no doubt in your mind that Peter would be your number one supporter if you were to come out. But you decorated your closet comfortably, and knew you would rather stay within your comfort zone.

June arrived quickly and you made plans to go to pride by yourself but only for a couple hours. It would be a nice break from studying for final exams and you could celebrate for once! You were at Peter's studying for chemistry when you zoned out, thinking about what it would be like.

"Y/N? Helloooo, anyone in there?" Peter asked, waving his hand in front of your face.

"Hm? Oh shit sorry Peter I zoned out." You muttered, glancing at his book and flipping the pages in yours until it matched.

"Obviously." He chuckled. "What're you thinking about?"

"Nothing." You responded, hoping he'd get the message and move on. He did not.

"Oh come on, you've gotta be thinking about something! You really zoned out, clearly something's on your mind!" He teased, chemistry long forgotten for him.

"Shouldn't we be doing chem?" You asked.

"Chem is boring, besides we've been doing it for ages." He whined. "Please?"

You sighed. "'M goin' to pride." You mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

"By yourself?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. You nodded. A silence took over the two of you.

"Maybe you should consider going with someone. Just want you to be safe, is all." He finally spoke, voice soft.

You shook your head, furiously.

"Why n-"

"I'm gay!" You yelled, cutting him off. Peter's eyes widened. "I'm gay and no one knows. Except you."

" are?" He whispered, like he couldn't believe it. You nodded, your eyes on the floor. When Peter said nothing else, you panicked, beginning to grab your stuff.

"Uh, pretend I never said anything. I'll see you at school tomorrow." You muttered.

"No! No wait- Y/N wait." Peter called, following you to his front door where he stopped you from opening the door.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't care or anything." He started. "I'm bi."

This time it was your eyes that widened. "Really?" You asked. He nodded, pulling you in for a hug.

"'M proud of you." He muttered into your shoulder as you gripped his shirt tighter.

"'M proud of you too." You responded as the two of you pulled away.

"Wanna come to pride with me?" You asked, Peter chuckling and nodding.

"I'd love to."


"Peter come on we're gonna be late!" You said, Peter mumbling an "I'm coming, I'm coming." in response.

He finally emerged from his room in a bi pride t-shirt and jeans.

"Finally. Took ya long enough." You teased as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." He laughed, telling May the two of you would be back later before heading off to the parade.


"Peter this is awesome!" You squealed, looking around at all the pride decorations on the New York City street. Peter smiled, nodding in response.

"It's pretty sick, isn't it?" You just nodded, smiling from ear to ear. "Hey, before we get into the real fun festivities, I wanna show you something."

He pulled you off to the side to avoid getting in people's way. "Close your eyes." He instructed.

"What are you doing, Parker?" You asked as you shut your eyes.

"You'll see just keep your eyes shut." He told you. You heard the unzipping of his small backpack, feeling something placed in your hands before you heard his bag being zipped back up. "Open your eyes." He instructed.

It took a minute for your eyes to adjust to the bright sun after being shut, glancing down at your hands where you saw a gay pride flag.


"'S yours." He smiled as you just looked at him, the smile on your face growing.

"You didn't have to do." You said quietly.

"I wanted to." He shrugged. "You can keep it at my place if you want. May knows I'm bi, she'll be cool if I keep anything pride related there."

You threw yourself in his arms, squeezing him tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you." You mumbled as his arms wrapped around your body.

"Of course." He whispered as you two separated.

"Shall we go celebrate?" You asked, Peter nodding. "Well let's go!"

"Oh by the way," Peter started. "Figured now would be a good time to mention this. I'm Spiderman." He paused, showing you the suit in his bag while you were clearly in shock, trying to process it.

"What the hell?" You gasped, finally finding your words.

"No cops at this pride, just your friendly neighborhood bisexual Spiderman."

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