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"Phew," Ancom said, quis headache acquired from listening to Catholicism's rant on the LGBTQ+ community. He even scolded Lea, the "woman of witchcraft" who insisted she was a real lioness and almost mauled the poor 'Nazi' to death along with Ancom. And to think quee advocated acceptance of other cultures!

After settling the fight, Israelcube brought them through the four-dimensional tunnel, (which was rather fascinating) and even showed them an actual Klein bottle (which was also rather fascinating) until eventually, they reached their own world.

Phew, said God. You almost dipped out of my range of influence.

Every world has an all-powerful God. And every one of them had a range of influence in the interdimensional realm. We're lucky our  God is one benevolent, loving God.

 Little did they know that the Campaigner from before was trailing them until she giggled a little.

"Why are you here?" asked Ancom suspiciously.

"Oh, that. A curious little Englishman back in that cave wanted to know where you came from. I wanted to help him so I came!" Campaigner smiled, before being distracted. She proceeded to stumble on a pebble while walking in circles. "Ahahahahah, this is what sets me apart from Entertainer, isn't it?"

"So you just trusted that he or she or they or it or xe or..." Ancom decided to list down every pronoun quee could think of, original English or not, before being interrupted by Campaigner.

"I just do dumb shit when I'm bored. Plus, he was curious about your off colours! Although I gotta admit, that was the least unusual thing to notice about anybody down there!  Ahahahah! Oh, and by the way, he was one-eyed! Not that I have anything against one-eyed people, I think they're cool and all, and actually would I look better if I- hey, nice shoes! By the way, what do you think of-"

"A one-eyed Englishman!? What did he call himself?" Ancom asked, stunned. "He said he was a follower of a Big Brother guy or something. I'm kinda reminded of some kinda yearbook but ehh whatever, he had this cool vibe like he was throwing a party! The other kinda party! Y'knooooow, the one with a lot of the same sorta people, a common objective, a political movement or something!"

Ancom exchanged looks with Commie, and Israelcube shrugged. "Am not of involvings in this, unless it of involvings Palestineball." Israelcube proceeded to poof out of existence.

Campaigner quietened down a bit. "Oh... oh. That's a very controversial matter." She turned to Israelcube to find it absent. Then, she noticed Ancom and Commie.

"Oh, you know that guy?" she asked, wild with curiosity,

"Yeah, we're in big trouble." Commie replied

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