Why the state...

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Commie was in trouble. Big trouble. If the state finds out about his dear Anarkiddy being alive, all his life will crumble to oblivion like a cookie that somebody dropped, or a centrist's malfunctioning grill and it's creations.

He could still kill quem, it'll be no problem. It's a matter of whether.

Commie paced back and forth the confines of his apartment. It had been provided by the state. The state he held so dear. The state he always believed he would forever obey and love after it had been formed.

Now, he is less certain.

Ancom glanced curiously at Commie pacing his apartment. "Tankie? Are you okay?" Commie chuckled. "Да. It's alright."  He continued. 

He once thought it impossible. He was, after all, an ideology, and he was, at his heart, already contradicting himself.

He felt this deepest pang of guilt as he remembered how he laughed at Feminism and her ridiculous stereotypical maid outfit despite her yelling and doing cuckoo crap against gender roles. He remembers when Nazi gave in to Homonationalism's crap despite saying he gassed those kind of people. Just once. He remembers when Conservatism yelled a swear word at the top of his lungs while playing in his own 'goddamn' Minecraft server. Now he was the big hypocrite.

Was the state right, to ask him to take Anarkiddy's life? Or was it wrong to take any life? He'd been doing this crap for decades and quee's starting to get curious. He didn't even know why he'd been doing this.

"Kill him," they said. "Quem," he replied.

Quee's an ideology, just like him. Then he remembers, with a pang of deep guilt, what happened to them because of him.

He heard in his mind the cries of pain and anguish of Socialism, when he threaten to twist his neck off, continuously kicking him. He saw the capitalists Ancap and Libertarian hung by the state, the two he knew so well, and his eyes welled up, but he didn't say a word.

He remembered burning Conservatism alive with his beloved Bible. He remembered saying to Feminism, that women hold up half the sky, saying she was unnecessary and her life was complete, and throwing her into a pit that seemed like it had no end. Oh, yeah, and Environmentalism. Anarkiddy asked where quis two friends went. 

He sadistically tortured so many ideologies different from him. It was too obvious his beloved Anarkiddy would be next. But it would have been so quick and easy for quem. Quee was lucky. But even more so lucky for quem, was that Commie was a big chicken.


Why is it, that of all the ideologies, quee was the one he would grow closest to? Why didn't he just-

"Y'know, if there's anything wrong you could just talk to me, right?" Ancom interjected his thoughts, gesturing to him to sit beside quem.

Commie's heart skipped a beat. Was Anarkiddy right?

"You're in danger," he muttered. "The state asked me to kill you." That was all he could say. Nothing else. Anarkiddy's jaw dropped.

"W- what should I do?" quee whispered in return.

"Stay here. There's no one here to get you but me."

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