00:22 || the past haunts you

Start from the beginning

"Ok cutting power now." Emmaline says as she types some stuff pressing buttons. The cameras fall in all the rooms and outside. The lights get cut outside of the house making the group in the house stand up and pull weapons. "Go now, powers out enough to get you inside." I watch as we pick up there heat signatures on the large map. Four in the front and four in the back.

I flinch slight as the sound of a scream before I hand was placed on my arm. "Guard." She reminds me pointing to where all them are as they suddenly come into view on the screen.

She presses the button to speak once more. "Elijah and Reed go right and you will find two guards then you will see the room that they are in. Colton and Ryder go left and the first door is the security room, go in and shut all communication off." As she says that they split down the hallways.

"Roland and Tobias meet them in the dinning room. Milo and Grayson there's to doors that they can try to leave out of stand outside them. Let no one in or out besides us ok." I heard a ok as they rush into the house from the front. I tried not to think about the fact that they are about to kill people as that made me sick.

I try to block out the sounds of quick shots or loud screams but it was hard. So I focused on the dinning room. The four of them had there guns out and ready but Paxton seemed calm as he tried calling people.

Before he sends a smirk to the camera making me frown. I waited, getting more nervous the longer it was taking for them to get there.

My eyes trailed over to my best..well child hood friends. Her box braids pulled into a tight bun, she was dress in almost all black which seemed wrong. She was the type of girl to be wearing a colored sun dress not whatever that was.

"We made it.."

"We are there to."

I heard both the groups say that making me turn to the map of where everyone was. They were outside each door two on each causing me to suck in a breath.

They both go in guns up aimed at the group. I watch as Milo stands in one door and Grayson in the other.

"Guns down now." I hear Roland say. It scared me how strong and powerful it was.

"Ah should have know it was you." I hear Paxton say as a soft chuckle leaves his lips making me and Emmaline shiver.

"Put the guns down now." This voice was from Elijah it had the same power as Roland. The all frown but Paxton smiles as he puts his gun on the floor.

"As you wish." He says making the rest of them put theirs down as well.

"Why did you shoot her?" I heard Roland say harshly. "You proved nothing by doing that. Then you declare war on three other side.."

"Ah but it got you guys here right," He says making me tense up. He wanted us here didn't he, he knew that they wouldn't let a war happen, he knew they would try to stop it.

Realization spreads to most of there faces as they all raised there guns. Before any thing else can happen I hear a knife cutting along skin and I loud scream making me look at what's happening.

There was now a pool of blood around Graysons lifeless body but that wasn't the worst part it was the person standing above him with the knife in his hand.

The same haunting eyes the haunt my dreams and nightmares. The same face that flash in my head when I closed my eyes.

It was him the one that raped me all those years ago. That was him standing there looking the same.

My body was shaking. Emmaline was trying to say stuff but my mind went numb.

I watched as Elijah and Tobias faces turn to pain as there close friend lay dead in front of them causing all guns to go to him. But before they could shoot smoke bombs were throw into the room. Then our screens went black making me stand up.

"Where are the guns." I whisper my voice cracking. "Where are the fucking guns!" I scream this time.

"Oakley calm down, there ok. There going to be ok. We can still hear them I think.." She says as bangs go off through the speakers making me shiver.

I finally find the guns grabbing one and opening the van door.

"Oakley what are you doing?!" I hear Emmaline say more seriously.

"I need to warn them, or or save them or something!" I whisper at her. "Give me a ear piece." I order her. She sighs handing me one.

"Be careful!" She yells as I start running to the house. My nerves kick in when I see the view of the house I ran faster knowing if I didn't get there in time it could be to late. I remember the way to the dinning room, with little help from Emmaline. The smoke had cleared and there was red blood on the floor causing me to want to throw up.

"Ah Oakley, good to know you were watching." I heard a voice causing my neck to snap to them. I recognized that voice making me turn scared.

My eyes meet his causing me to aim my gun at him. "I wouldn't do that, shot me and your friends die." He says with a smirk.

"Your a monster." I shout at him.

"I remember you screaming that a lot that night." He smirks before holds out his hand. "Give me the gun and follow me." He orders making me shiver, I follow him knowing he has my friends and family.

We walk downstairs, me leaving about five yards in between us, as we get into the basement. I see all of them tied up to a chair. I go to run to them but he grabs my arms making me flinch away from him. The rest of the south stood there watching them. My eyes fall on Mavis and I glare at her harshly before turning back to them.

I study them to see if anyone's hurt. Roland has red blood coming from his chest which scared me and Milo had what looked like to have been shot in the shoulder. Elijah had a large scrape on his face making it all bloody. I gulp knowing that there all losing blood.

Rolands eyes seem tired as he stares at me with a hard expression. Same for Elijah. I turn back to the man next to me.

"What do you want from them!" I shout at him angrily.

"Not them, you." He smirks. "It's simple if you stay with me, I will let them go."

I didn't have to think twice, even if I was stepping into his trap. I knew I had to save them and quickly.

"Angel don't fucking do it." I heard Roland shout. I cringe as I look into his eye before my gaze meets the floor.

"Ok, deal."


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