Hell of a Year

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Hell of a Year—-
I'm gonna start this off and both parties have a long-term significant other, we'll give them basic names. Aubrey and Chase have been fighting for a while and he's telling his best friend how his house doesn't feel like home anymore after they've broken up and he and Maggie decide to gut it and remodel then they fall in love along the way might have to be a couple of parts. That's a lie I think I'm just gonna knock it out in one go but it's also evolved a good bit since my first idea.

This changed a lot from my plan but I like the way it turned out! 

He could feel the tension in the room rising. Not in a good way like he'd hoped either. Aubrey had a look of fury and Chase didn't know why.

"I think I've finally figured you, William," She seethed.

"Oh? please enlighten me then Aubrey, I'm two steps in the door and I've already pissed you off how?" Chase tried to be mad but he couldn't help but hurt because he remembered when they didn't fight like this.

"You are a cheater! Don't act like I didn't see those pictures she posted," at this point, Chase didn't know what to say.

"Who? Maggie? You know she's just a friend she's had a boyfriend longer than I've known you!" by now Chase felt himself becoming angry.

"So what friends don't act like the two of you do and she could cheat on him just as easily as you are on me," it was like Aubrey had her nose in the air.

"Wow. You really don't trust me that much? That I'd risk our relationship and someone else's?" Chase could feel tears in his eyes.

"Not any more Chase no because I see how you look at her and you don't look at me like that! I'm so tired of not being your first choice I thought maybe you'd get over her or something but obviously, you aren't going to so I'm leaving."

She didn't even give him a chance to speak nor had he noticed her things being gone and one last suitcase was by the door which she took with her. Chase couldn't breathe anymore. Sure he'd had feelings for Maggie but it was harmless. He knew they'd never happen so he didn't worry about it but apparently Aubrey had. He didn't know what to do.

✰ ✰ ✰

"Theo I'm home!" Maggie yelled locking the door behind her. A look of confusion crossed her face almost immediately when she saw a pair of beat-up Nike blazers next to the bedroom door. "Theo? Hey, open up!" Maggie yelled again this time she knocked on the bedroom door.

She heard a thud and a string of cuss words before Theo opened the door towel slung carelessly around his waist. "Hey Mar what's up? You're home early." Theo says using the stupid nickname for her he came up with because he liked Margret more than Maggie.

"Uh Sterling had a headache so I took her and Ryan home, who's shoes are those?" Maggie could feel the anger rising inside of her along with betrayal.

"I got those for you from Goodwill I thought you liked them?"

"They look 3 sizes too big for me Theodore. What kinda Amazonian woman do you have hidden in our room right now?"

"No, they should be a 9! I check-"

"Cut the shit, Theo. What the hell is wrong with you? We've been together for 4 years the least you can do is be honest."

"Her name is Sara and she snuck out the window already," Theo hung his head in defeat.

Maggie stood there for a second at a loss for words. "No, by all means, call her back because I'm not staying, I'll be by in the morning to get my stuff," Maggie had a feeling something was going on for a few weeks. She hadn't known how to bring it up but leave it to Theo to screw himself over.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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