Chasin' you

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Until I'm layin' here tonight holding someone new,
still chasin' you

Laine had been pinning after Chase since before she could remember. Sad fact was it didn't go both ways until high school.
Laine was still shy and wouldn't admit her feelings to anyone but her younger sister Lila; who somehow ended up being in their friend group despite being 2 years younger.

The group was rather small all things considered it was the sisters, Chase, Ben, and a boy the grade between the sisters named Gatlin. Chase has told the guys about his new feelings for Laine after realizing they wouldn't just go away.

The went to homecoming together and prom; as friends of course because "wouldn't that be awkward". So the two continued to chase each other and deny the way they felt. Their denial continued even as Laine started college at UGA and Chase started racing full time. They both had tried to date other people but it never felt right.

When the season ended and everyone was home from college the group ended up together again. The night before Laine had been laying in bed next to her boyfriend of a couple months even though she still though of Chase every time she was with; when she realized she's still chasin' him. She knew in that moment until she fessed up how she felt she'd always be chasin' him. So tonight was the night to tell him. They were going to the lake, they shouldn't swim it's way too cold for that but the five of them are young and they were gonna do what they wanted. Eric Church played softly in the truck as the two oldest rode alone the other three in Ben's truck behind them.

The whole evening there was tension between the two that everybody could sense. When everyone else ducked out early Chase decided he drive Laine home if she was ready to go too.

"Chase. There's something I need to get off my chest. I've never said anything because I didn't want to mess anything up between us but I can't keep lying to myself. Chase I-" Laine stopped talking she didn't know what to say she looked up from her ring that she'd been spinning on her right finger out of nerves.

Of course when she looked up she didn't expect to see Chase's face so close to her's. "I know," he whispered before kissing her.

"How long have you known?" Laine asked when they finally came up for air.

"Not long enough, your sister might've hinted some things after telling us how you broke up with your boyfriend in Athens last night," Chase admitted.

"We'll leave it up to Lila to shove puzzle pieces together, so did she tell you all of why I broke up with him?" Laine laughs.

"Well mostly just that you've liked me for a long time and nobody liked whatever his name was," Chase admitted.

"Well whatever his name was liked Kyle Busch too so that certainly didn't help him," the pair laughed for awhile after that when Laine's dad started flickering the porch light the started laughing harder, "would you like to come in?"

"What time is it?"

"You got somewhere else to be Clyde?"

"Nope just don't want your dad to kick me out because it's too late," he laughed.

"Ah I'm a grown woman you may come in, take your coat off and stay awhile." That was all he needed to hear.

Even though they were together they'd still never stop chasing each other.


She's a little different short and sweet. I had fun writing this I tried to sort of play off the song by Morgan Wallen who's surprised? (I rearranged the order of these and there's a couple other Morgan song spin offs coming)  Anyway this is just a small taste of the things to come. I'm writing one based of Hell of a year (super loosely) it started with a set plan of a few parts but it evolved quickly. I may publish it separate from this but I haven't decided yet. 

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