Chapter 1

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Ring! Ring! The bell of the school rang. "It's the end of the day! I can't wait to finally get away from this place." I exclaimed. Quickly walking out of François Dupont High School.  

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hannah, I have midnight blue shoulder length hair shaved on the front, back and right side. My hair is the same colour as Marinette's. I am also a tomboy so I mostly wear hoodies, anime t-shirts, sweaters, jeans or pants. I have blue eyes the same colour as the sea, but have a greyish and greenish tinge to them. I am in grade 9 and 15 years old.

I have a friend named Daniela. She has shoulder length hair dark brown hair and ecstatic brown eyes the same colour as coca. We're bff's! I was walking home all of a sudden! A man was getting tortured by a small group of teens about 17 in age. It looked like there was 4 of them, 3 boys and a girl, I think or I could be wrong. I ran as fast as a cheetah to stop those teens from attacking the old man! I saw what they were doing to the old man. They were throwing punches at him, kicking him and saying mean words at him. "STOP!" I yelled at the teens from a few steps away. They  noticed me, but wouldn't stop. My fists clenched and my breathing quickened. I decided to punch one of the teens right in the nose. when I punched him I heard a crack that can from one of their noses. I was astonished at how hard I can punch. They ran off after I broke one of the four teen's noses. With the blood on my hands from one teens I wiped it off of my hands on to my black and red Under Armor sweater and dark jeans, still regaining my breath from that punch. I sigh while looking at the running group. "That was easy."

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