Master Fu: No, it is a warm up. But, talk back again and you will do double. Start please, sit up and raise your hand when you are done with the first excercise. 

I finished first, then Alya, Adrien, and Nino. We raised our hands and everybody looked at us. We had finished within 30 seconds. We shrugged them off and waited. Everybody eventually finished. 

We then started with the push ups. Adrien finished first because, he is better at push ups. Then me, Nino, and lastly Alya. Alya and Nino could not wait for pull ups. They are amazing at those. Alya surprised the class except me, Adrien and Nino by doing pull ups with one hand. 

With the laps, it was me and my speed that got us through. Then, Alya because she does a lot of cardio and running. Adrien then Nino. 

Everybody thought we were Aliens. My mom walked in and we looked at her. 

Bridgette: You guys will just go to gymnastics and then be done. You will then be able to do as you please. We have also added a new upgrade to the pool if you would like to go. Enjoy.

Master Fu: You will have a different instructor in gymnastics. Please head on over. There will also be a special guest to lead you threw. 

We went to the gymnastics room and there was Maria Miraculous. She was my cousin. I did not want people to know so, I pretended not to know her. 

I quickly wiped the memory of the class except Alya, Adrien and Nino of our gymnastics skills. I wanted to just seem flexible. 

Chloe: OMG! It is Maria Miraculous!

Maria: Yes. I will be leading you threw gymnastics today. The instructor was not feeling well. I need to know your names first. Let's start with the brown haired girl in orange. 

Lila: My name is Lila. I used to be in gymnastics. 

Maria: Nice. The blonde girl in pink. 

Rose: My name is Rose. It is a pleasure to meet you.  

Maria: Nice to meet you, too. The black haired girl with purple tips. 

Juleka: My name is Juleka. 

Maria: I like that name. Blonde girl with a ponytail. 

Chloe: My name is Chloe. It is an honor to meet you

Maria: My pleasure. Girl with a bob and white headband. 

Sabrina: My name is Sabrina, Ms. Miraculous. 

Maria: Please call me Maria. Red head boy. 

Nath: Nathaniel. 

Maria: Never met a Nathaniel before. Boy with headphones. 

Nino: Nino. Nice to meet you, dudette. I mean, miss. Sorry

Maria: *laughs* It's fine. Girl with Ombre hair. 

Alya: Alya. Can I have an interview after?

Maria: Sure. Bubble gum colored hair girl. 

Alix: Alix. A-L-I-X. I am pretty good a gymnastics. 

Maria: I like the way your name is spelled. Kid with the hazel tuft of hair. 

Kim: Kim. 

Maria: Nice to meet you. Girl with Multi colored hair. 

Mylene: My name is Mylene. 

Maria: Nice name. Love the hair. Boy with glasses

Max: My name is Max. 

Maria: Cool. Boy with bones on his shirt

Ivan: My name is Ivan. 

Maria: Never heard of the name Ivan. Cool. Blonde haired boy

Adrien: Adrien Agreste. 

Maria: You're the famous parisian model. Lastly, Blue haired girl. 

Marinette: Marinette. I like to bake. 

Maria: Ohh...cookies. I like those. Okay, so I will show you some moves. I do not expect you to be able to do them. 

She did an amanuer vault and an double arabian. Everybody looked shocked. 

Maria: I will let you start beginner or you can do elite. Who would like to go first?

Lila: Me. I am better than all of them. 

She did a back hand spring, double pike and a split in the air. 

Maria: Good job. Who is next?

Lila: Adrien! You will do amazing right Adrihoney?

Adrien: Umm.....Okay?

He went up and did a back handspring, split jump, somersault, finished with a handstand split. He was slightly sweaty he went back to his spot. His muscles more defined.  He looked HOT. 

I was slightly blushing. 

Maria: That was really good. 

Lila: I recorded all of it. I just posted it on Insta. 

Adrien:*groan* Come on Lila. Did you have to?

Lila: Yes. I had to show the world you are to good for Marinette. 

I rolled my eyes. I was actually silently wanting to kill the girl. Everybody else went. I did not really want to go. 

Maria: Marinette, you have not gone yet. It is your turn. 

M: Ummmm...

Lila: She is probably scared. She is like super clumsy. 

I got up and started. I did a back handspring, front walkover, ariel walkover, balk walkover, I finished with a ariel cartwheel. 

I walked to my seat. Everybody had their mouths open. 

Maria: Excellent performance! Okay, everybody did good. It was a pleasure to meet you all. You may exit the room. 

We went out and Alix announced something. 

Alix: The queen said there was a new part for the pool. Lets go check it out. 

We headed to our room to change. I could not wait. 

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