Rei had been so grief stricken she hadn't been able to care for Luck, and instead had one of her strongest guards, Yami Sukehiro, to care for him. The young boy often referred to Yami as Captain, well, Capah with his low vocabulary.

"Capah, I hungy!" Luck whines, tugging on Yamis sleeves.

The Alpha takes a puff of his cigarette, "You're hungry? What do you want, kid?"

"Cwackews an cheese!" The little boy said, a huge smile on his face.

Yami huffs and smiles at the boy, "Apple juice too? And some sort of fruit as well."

"Yesh pwease!"

He ruffles Lucks blonde hair, "Aight, kid. C'mon."


Luck was eight when he asked his mother for him to start fighting lessons along with his training to rule the country.

"Please mama! I wanna become strong so I can defeat all my enemies and make you smile! I don't want to be protected all my life, so please!"

Rei sighs as she looks at her smiling son. She doesn't think he's ever stopped smiling ever since he was a baby. She really loved her little boy, but he did have a point. Strong defense and offense meant a strong ruler. Still she said, "Are you sure, honey? It'll be hard to do royalty lessons and fighting lessons."

Luck smiles and punches the air in front of him, "Yeah, but I can handle it ma! You need to believe in me ma! I'm you and Daddy's son! I can do it! So please let me do it!"

Rei sighs again yet smiles at her son, "Very well. I shall have Yami call the army General and get permission to train you."

Lucks face lit up, "YAYYY!"

For an 8 year old, Luck was awfully excited to learn to fight. Clover Kingdom had very good fighters and Luck would be trained well. His first lesson had him beaming, and he trained enthusiastically, and also did good in his Royal studies.

~~10 years later~~

"Luck! Wait up!"

The blonde turns to see two people running towards him, with smiles on there face.

It was Asta Orfai and Noelle Silva, the two teens who were in royalty and fighting classes with him.  They were part of smaller Royal families in the Clover Kingdom, and had become good friends with Luck. Asta was heir to the throne of Hage Kingdom, and Noelle was heir to the throne of the Capital Kingdom, Clover Capital.

Lucks never ending smile brightened, "Hey guys." Luck had a sword in a sash attached to his back and was dressed in a light silk blue tunic, almost a dress on him, nearly reaching his knees, adding to loose dark aqua caprese pants, with orange strips down the sides, that hung loosely from his legs. He also had light brown combat boots, and his hair was messy and blonde, and he was slim and short, his body feminine and perfect. His big blue eyes shone bright.

Luck had presented as an Omega at age 16, like all Omegas had, and he had gone through heat, Omegas having to go through heats every 2 years, and alphas every 6 months. He was due for his 2nd heat sometime in October, giving he went into heat the day after his birthday. It was June now, so he wasn't going to have it for a while.

Omegan heats basically meaned impregnation, giving it's when they are the most fertile, though it's a bit harder for male Omegas to get pregnant, yet it is still possible. Omegas can get pregnant even if they aren't in heat, though it's slightly harder for male Omegas, unless their Alpha may is in rut. When in rut, Alphas release a special type of pheromone that sends the Omega into a mini heat, thus making them as fertile as they are in a regular heat.

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