Eleanore smiled warmly at the pair. Edith had said the exact same thing when she had first met her. "Why don' the both of ya come in for a bit, I can brew ya a nice cuppa?"

"Oh well...that would be lovely thank you." He said, still clutching his top hat and looking bashful "That is if it's no inconvenience."

"No inconvenience at all love. Make yerself comfortable in me parlour and I'll boil the kettle."

Nodding Richard walked towards the parlour while Eleanore tapped Toby on the shoulder. "Why don't ya fetch some toffees fer yerself and the young lady Toby?"

"Yes, mum." He agreed. Watching her as she turned to put the kettle on the stove he gulped as the young girl took off her bonnet and held out her hand, palm facing downwards.

"I'm Beth." She said confidently, her accent just as posh as her father's.

"Uhm, Toby Miss." He stuttered, looking at her and the way she still held out her hand awkwardly.

Eleanore peered over her shoulder to watch the exchange with an amused smile as Beth's forehead crinkled and she looked at him as though she had been insulted.

"Aren't you going to kiss my hand?" She said impatiently.

Toby looked startled and desperately looked to his mum. Eleanore gave him a smile in comfort.

"It is beffitin' of a gentleman to kiss a lady's 'and when introduced, Toby."

Toby looked back to Beth uncomfortably and took her hand. Trying desperately to hide his nerves as he awkwardly placed a wet kiss on her hand and looked to the floor to avoid her gaze.

Beth looked less than pleased and faked a smile as she took her hand away and wiped it discreetly on the back of her dress "Thanks."

With a flip of her thick hair, she spun on her feet and strode after her father leaving Toby a bright shade of red beside his mother.

Eleanore shrugged and placed a set of teacups and a teapot on a tray for their two guests before following them into her parlour.

Within half an hour of chatting to Mr Richard Sykes, Eleanor knew that she liked him. Like his father and sister Edith, he possessed a very down to earth character that allowed a first meeting to feel like she had been friends with him for years. It was clear the man loved his father and he was not shy in expressing his gratitude to her every thirty seconds.

His daughter Beth was a curious one. She examined and touched every object in Eleanore's parlour like an explorer, enquiring about her pictures with Albert, her piano and where and when she had gotten the many ornaments that she kept on top of the piano. There were many aspects of her character that reminded her of her younger self; talkative, inquisitive and extremely bold. This was obvious when she enquired as to why the decor of her parlour was so dreary and the wallpaper so strange.

Her father had levelled a glare at her and apologised, especially at the look of offence on Toby's face that she was bashing his new home. Yet Eleanore found that sort of honesty amusing. As soon as she had sent Toby to bring out a plate of biscuits she settled down and actually sat still.

Her father nudged her with his elbow so subtly it was a wonder the baker had even picked up on it, but she did. Beth sat up straighter and looked her in the eye. "Thank you for the tea and biscuits, Mrs Lovett."

"Yer welcome sweetheart, glad ya like 'em. Just somethin' I whipped up this evening for tomorrow's rush."

"You made these?" She sounded surprised. Eleanore nodded "You're a really good baker."

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