May 5

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Ten years ago, when I was just a child, my mum told me to write my dreams on a notebook. It was like a dreamcatcher, because I did awful nightmares. Today, it has changed! Even if, as far as I can remember, I have always thought that dreams were a new world, but I couldn't expect the subconscious' scale, before to do my first utopia experiment, ten year ago.

However, since the dawn of time, Humans dream about love, flying, earning money, hoping that their wishes realize... because after all, all moments in our life have a consequence on our thinks and our dreams. I can hear you saying, this analyze is not mine! That's truth, Freud did it before me! It's can a bit crazy but his psych analogy novel Die Traumdeutung is my inspiration. So, thank to him, I can dream like other people, in other words, I can do "Typical Dreams". You must be wondering what it is, according to the psychoanalyst Freud a "typical dream is a dream which, in its content and its form, presents itself in a similar way in a great number of people". Yeah, I'm trying to dream like normal person. Though, at beginnings it's a little bit intricate.  Admittedly, I'm not like Hamlet "Devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep. - To sleep, perchance to dream", dreams don't come to me, I come to them. A few persons will say that I believe myself in Inception alongside of Cobb, Arthur, Eames, Yusuf and Ariane, it's better than that! I can control my subconscious and create wildest dreams, on condition of knowing to go out. I know you want to try! But make attention, if your mind becomes confused like a kaleidoscope or like Fridolin*, remember that the dream is your own reality. So could you make the difference between DREAM and REALITY?

Welcome to my world, through this blog and my LUCID DREAMS!



* character of the surrealist novella, written by Arthur Schnitzler, Traumnovelle

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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