One shot (Bill)

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Requested by:authis_w

It was a cool Saturday morning in Romania. You didn't have work today since weekends were usually your break from work. You walked out of your house and took a deep breathe of fresh air, putting a smile on your face. Charlie walked by waving to you "Morning Y/N" he said with a smile on his face. "Morning Charlie. Anything new lately?" "Actually, yes" This caught you by suprised. Usually his response would be a no. "Oh?" He chuckles at your curious expression.

"My brother is coming to visit us" You smiled at this then it turned into a slight frown. "Wait, which brother?" and at this you both laugh. Charlie has 5 brothers and a sister, apparently he says their household's chaotic and peace is never a thing. But you could always see some sadness in his eyes when he talks about them, he hardly goes back since he's too busy in Romania training dragons. "My older brother, Bill". "Oh I see. Well as of now I'll have to go in and sort out some stuff, but do call me when he arrives. I'll love you meet another Weasley." He chuckles at this and you smile while waving to him before entering your house.

time skip•

You were walking around admiring the dragons. You had always taken a liking to them ever since you were little but you never wanted to train them, so instead you were a healer. If anyone ever got hurt by the dragons would come to you. And if anyone hurt the dragons you would heal them too. The dragons were very familiar and comfortable with you since you were always the one to look after them best. You were stroking the common Welsh green dragon when you heard muffled groans and dragon noises from somewhere. This caught your attention. You quickly started running to the place where you heard it to see a man on the ground, clutching his stomach.

You quickly took some meat from your bag and throw it to the dragon to distract it. Once u saw the dragon calm down, you ran to the man. "Oh my goodness. Are you ok? Which part of you is hurt?" He took his hand of his stomach and to your horror, the cut was really deep. You were panicking inside but you tried keeping your cool but your hair just had to turn purple aka the coulour of fear. Yes, you were indeed a metamorphmagus. You took out your wand "accio stretcher". You used a spell to put him on the stretcher and quickly apparated to the place where you usually heal humans.

"This is going to hurt but it'll help a lot" you tell him and give him a sympathetic smile. You pour him a potion in the cup and he drinks it immediately looking like he was gonna barf. You grab a bucket and give it to him, just in case. After a few moments of silence he leans back and he looks better. He gives you a small smile "Thank you for saving me" he says. "It's my job to" you give him a smile in return.

He leans his head back onto the pillow and he looks like he's gonna sleep. Well you wouldn't blame him, that potion does tend to make the person sleepy anyways. And soon enough you what soft snores coming from him. You look at him and admire his features a little. He's really handsome in your opinion. Sharp jawline, ginger hair.... Wait a minute. Ginger hair??! IS HE BILL WEASLEY. OMGOMGOMG. You quickly run out to find Charlie and just as you were about to start running, a figure bummed into you. It was a little dark outside so you couldn't really see who it was.

"Y/N?". You let out a sigh of relief. "Charlie, thank goodness. I found someone wounded near the Chinese fireball dragon. I've given him a healing potion which made him sleep as well. You better come take a look" He nods at you, at least you think it's a nod. You can't exactly see anyways. You walk towards the tent hearing Charlie's footsteps behind you. You enter the tent to see the patient getting up a little. You were about to turn to Charlie to ask him if he knew who it was but before you could even do that, he rushed to the patient's side.

"Oh Bill. Thank heavens you're alright" he hugged Bill and Charlie's worry made Bill chuckle. But to your suprise, after the hug, Charlie knocked him on the head. "I told u not to wander off you git. Jeez sometimes I really wonder how you're the oldest" "Oh calm down you baby, I'm fine thanks to this beautiful girl" Bill said while pointing to you, making you blush furiously and your hair to turn pink. At this Charlie smirks seeing that his brother has already taken a liking towards you. Charlie and Bill chat a little more before Charlie goes out, saying he had to 'attend' to certain matters. He nudges you and gives u a smirk before heading out.

There's was an awkward silence between you and Bill before he cleared his throat, grabbing your attention. "I never quite got your name" he says with a small grin. "Y/N. Y/N L/N" "Once again thank you for saving me, Y/N" You smile and shrug at him. "Well I think I'll best um go now. Goodnight Bill" You were about to walk off when Bill caught your hand. It was quick but his touch was gentle. "Bill you shouldn't be walking! Get back into bed" He chuckles at you. "I know I know. I just had to ask. Would you show me around tomorrow?" "Wouldn't you want your brother to show u around?" Bill places a finger on his chin, pretending to think. "Hmmm. Nope, much prefer you to show me around" he says with a small wink. Oh gosh Y/N YA GOTTA STOP BLUSHING. "Alright then" you say with a smile. "Goodnight Bill" "Goodnight Y/N"

You walked out of the tent with a smile on your face when you see Charlie standing there. You were going to scream but kept it in. Charlie laughs at how much he scares you. "How much of that conversation did you hear?" "Hmmm. Pretty much the entire conversation" he says with a shrug. "I can't believe my brother chose you over me" he whines. You giggle. Man you were already looking forward to tomorrow.

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