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hey ya'll

hey my loves

hey beautiful people

how are you all?

I hope that you're doing fine and I hope you're healthy and all :)

I know that I said that if you guys have problems that you want to talk about, you're open to talk to me. That was the time when I had a lot of free time and I realized that I don't often open this app anymore, so I just want to apologize to you all that have sent me messages, and it took me a long time to reply cuz, simply I don't go here often lol.


here's the thing

since it's quarantine

I was bored

and I decided to open wattpad

and I read some of your comments

and I was actually worried for most of you, cuz legit, I have gotten through a lot of things that destroyed me mentally and emotionally these past years and I picked myself up and I learned to love myself again :).

so, I was thinking

rather than continuing this book, why don't I make another book full of quotes that are about self worth and loving yourself? :)

let me know what you guys think ;)

I love you all and stay safe and stay at home 💜

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