Chapter 22 - My Baby

Start from the beginning

Nurse:"Hi and let me check.... She is in observation room 8. Go straight here then her room will be on your right" she said and smiled at me.

Christina:"Thank you" I said and smiled back at her.

We follow the nurse instruction and walked towards Ash's room. Once reached, I open the door and saw my baby lying on the bed with some wiring attached to her hand and something looks like a breathing machine at her mouth while her head was wrapped up I assume after the head operation. The scene is absolutely gruesome and I wished I will not be seeing it again because it broke my heart looking at my baby, so fragile and in so much pain. Tears started to drop down from my cheek and soon without me realized, I was crying uncontrollably holding on Ash's hand. Sophia and Abby walked over to me and hugged me trying to calm me down and it is obviously failed because you can hear the sound of me crying and also begging for Ash to come back and wake up. After 5 minutes, a doctor walked in and I slowly stop crying and Sophia passed me a tissue to wipe my tears away.

Doctor:"Morning. You guys must be Ms. Bishop's friends" he asked looking at me then smiled.

Sophia:"Yes we are but this lady here is her girlfriend" she said then pointing at me.

Christina:"C-Can I-I ask h-how is my girlfriend?" I asked looking at him.

Doctor:"Oh. Okay. Erm, I am Doctor Jasper and I am the one whom operate on her. Her condition seems stable and luckily no complication during the whole operation. She will be waking up once the swollen had gone; maybe another 1-2 days. Since she had a head operation, we need to hook her up to a breathing machine in order to help her breath properly" he said still smiling at me.

Christina:"Will there be any side effects when she wakes up later?" I asked still holding on my baby's hand.

Dr. Jasper:"Well, is hard for us to determine anything now. We will need to wait until she wakes up and run some checking. Now, what we can do is to wait and observe. Once the swollen is gone and she can breathe on her own, we will transfer her back to the normal ward at level 3" he said checking on Ash's medical board. "By the way, are you 1 of the actress from Project Juliet?" he asked.

Christina:"Y-Yes" I answered.

Dr. Jasper:"I knew it. The 1st time I look at you, you look familiar and by the way, you look prettier than on screen. I love that movie. So, how are you doing now and any new show on the way?" he asked smiling at me.

Christina:"T-Thank you and it was my 1st movie and I didn't know that people still remember" I said looking at my baby.

Sophia:"Ahem... Dr. Jasper. Sorry to interrupt as is there any more things you need to inform us because I think Christina here needs sometime to be with her girlfriend so is best we give them some time" she said showing sign to Abby.

Abby:"Yes. Christina sweetie, why not we go grab some coffee so you can talk to your girlfriend?" she said gesturing people to go out.

Mark:"Yes. I think I saw some coffee vending machine down the hall. We should go grab some and give these lovely couples some time alone" he said with a smiled.

Dr. Jasper:"O-Okay. I am sorry and I guess that's all and if you guys need anything, you can get a nurse to page me" he said and walked faster towards the door.

Abby:"Jerk!" she scowled and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Mark I can't believe you get Sophia's signal and join in the fun. You nailed it just now, you know?" she exclaimed hugging Mark.

Mark:"Well, I can sense something between you two and also kind of weird for that guy to flirt around with his patient's girlfriend. I don't like him so I just join in the fun" he said while rubbing his neck.

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