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"Do you have everything packed Kyle?"

I pace around the room, throwing random items into our suitcase.
"Yes. The guys are outside waiting for us." Kyle groans.
"I'm sorry, I just don't want to under pack."
The boys planned a trip to Aspen, Colorado. There wasn't a particular reason but we all wanted to take a road trip.
Basically everyone was going except Kenny and Annie, they had a baby to take care of.
The trip was only 3 days.
"Okay let's go. I think I got everything." I sigh in defeat, and shut my luggage. Kyle walks over and picks up my luggage for me, shaking his head.
"It's always last minute with you." He pecks my cheek and walks off to the car.
As soon as everything is set we all get settled in the car, I'm sandwiched between Kyle and Stan. Tammy was seated up front next to the driver- Eric. Stan shuts the door and looks down.
"Where's Jenny?" Eric looks back.
"She's not coming-" He inhales sharply "Family emergency or whatever."
We all look at Stan for a second before he shoots a glare at us all.
"Okay then." Eric turns back around and starts the car. "God damnit, I forgot to get gas before. We're stopping at the closest gas station." He drives off and the road trip has officially begun.
I look over at Stan, it looked like he has been holding back his tears. I place my hand on his back and give him a pat.
"You okay Stan?" I smile.
"Kind of. I just need a drink honestly." He smiles back, sarcastically of course.
"Stan, you know you shouldn't." For a while now, Stan has had multiple problems that involve the abuse of alcohol. I was worried about him and didn't want him to get into anymore trouble. "Instead, I'll buy you some gummy bears." I nod.
His face, close to mine, I watch a smile form on his face. "I would love that." He turns away and shuts his eyes, clearly he needed a quick break. I let my hand linger on his back before I bring my hands to myself. I look over at Kyle who was listening the whole time.
He looks concerned but grabs my hand.
A short while later we get to the gas station.
"Everyone get out and piss." Eric gets out of the car and walks over to the pump.
I get out behind Stan and Kyle follows.
"You gonna buy me those gummy bears?" Stan elbows me. I nudge him back. "Of course, what kind do you want?" I grab the fruit flavored gummy bears.
"You want the fruity ones? They're just like you." We both laugh as I put them back.
"I'll just take these," He hands me plain old gummy bears. "Classic ones will do."
I notice Kyle walking into the bathroom as Stan and I walk to the register.
I pay for his stupid gummy bears and hand it to him. His thumb pressed on top of mine, and he didn't let go. This thumb gently strokes mine and in an effort to pull away I let go of the bag, he gets a grip on the bag and finally pulls away.
"Thank you." He whispers.
"Babe? Did you get your snacks?" Kyle shouts from the candy section.
I give Stan one last look and walk over to Kyle.
"Depends, are you buying them for me?" I smile and rest my chin on his shoulder, batting my eyes.
"You bought someone for Stan?" Kyle asks.
"Yeah." I answer, my chin leaving his shoulder.
"I wonder what happened with him and Jenny?" Kyle grabs his some chips from the shelf.
"I could ask her?" I pull out my phone. "It might be too early to ask her."
"Fuck it?" Kyle grabs my phone. He goes the text messages between Jenny and I. He types..
Me: "hey girl, how r u? missing u on the trip rn, what happened??"
Kyle looks up at me for approval. "Does this sound like you?"
"Just send it." I watch as he hits send.
"There now we can go buy these snacks." He grabs my waist and picks me up shortly, as he sets me down I grab onto him. He leans in and kisses my lips slightly. As he gives me squeeze we both go to the register to buy the snacks.
We get back into the car, and my phone buzzes.
Jenny: "Sorry."
Me: "sorry for what? u dont need to be sorry."
Jenny: "I can't be with Stan anymore. He's an alcoholic asshole."
I look up at Kyle and nudge him with my phone. Confused at first, he looks down at my phone and read the text.
"Jesus." Kyle hands the phone and watches me type.
Me: "jenny, im so sorry..."
Jenny: "It's okay. As much as I hate him rn, please don't let him get drunk. He'll listen to you."
Me: "i will try jenny, much love."
Jenny read at 12:43
The car begins to move and I look over to Stan. He's looking out the window and sighs.
I'm begging that this trip will go well.

Kyle Broflovski x Reader | PART 2Where stories live. Discover now