6. The Countryside

Start from the beginning

Oh god, did... did that assassin come back alive?? Is it going to try to kill him again?? Why did it choose the exact moment when Johnny was gone to wake up??

Donghyuck grabbed the knife that Johnny had left on the seat and got off the cart, gripping it tightly. Who cares if the townspeople were now looking at him as if he were mad, he wasn't going to risk his life to look good if front of these boomers.

On the count of three, he lifted the tarp and his eyes widened when he saw two completely unfamiliar boys lying down in silence, eyes opened as they stared at him.

He screamed, dropping the knife as he fell back on the ground. Did the assassin just- just clone himself?!?! Into copies that didn't look like him?!

"YOUNGHO!!!" Donghyuck shrieked, crawling away from the two intruders. "PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME AGAIN!!"

"Woah woah woah, we're not killing you, I swear!" The taller one jumped up, waving his hands frantically. "Please, we just needed to get out of the city- Chen Le, I told you this was a bad idea."

"Well, excuse me from wanting to leave Neo City when we were in danger!!" The one named Chen Le shouted back at his friend. "I told you to stay still!"

Johnny came back outside and ran towards Donghyuck when he found him on the ground. "Are you okay-"

"There's two random guys next to Mark!" Donghyuck shrieked, which is when Johnny took notice of the two new guys.

"Oh, we wouldn't hurt your friend here-"

"Yangyang, please don't," Chen Le said.

"But it's true!! Your friend has been asleep here the whole time!" Yangyang lifted the tarp completely off, where the two Seo brothers could see "Mark". It looked like he was breathing. "I swear we didn't hurt him."

Johnny picked the knife off from the ground and pointed it at Yangyang and Chen Le, the two raising their hands in defeat. "You have five seconds to tell me what you're doing."

"We needed to escape the city," Chen Le explained, his hands trembling. "I swear, we were in the palace when the assassination attempt took place and we don't want to be wrongfully accused."

Donghyuck suddenly remembered when Johnny took him to the kitchen the other day in the palace. "You two were the boys in the kitchen hiding," he whispered to himself.

Johnny stared at him, confused. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"When you took me to meet Taeil, the two were in the kitchen, they snuck in," Donghyuck explained. "I didn't say anything because, well-"

"We didn't do anything bad, we swear!" Yangyang screamed. "Please don't kill me, I want to meet Prince Hendery before I die-"

"Can you not talk about that right now?" Chen Le yelled at him. "Don't you see we're about to be thrown into jail?!"

"Johnny?" The four of them turned around to see a short male walk up to them, a taller man walking behind him. "Johnny, is that you?"

There went their cover. "Uh- holy shit, Xiaojun!"

Xiaojun walked closer to the group, smiling. "Wow, it really is you! It's been a long time since we were classmates, right?"

Yangyang started speaking in Mandarin to Xiaojun and Donghyuck had no idea what was going on, so he dug through Johnny's bag and pulled out a wedge of cheese and munched on it, watching the commotion.

Xiaojun spoke back to Yangyang in Mandarin, and then to Johnny in Korean said, "they're immigrants, it's why they thought it was unsafe. You haven't heard of Prince Hendery's visit to the palace, right?"

"Yeah, no, I don't really follow news that much," Johnny admitted. "But no, I don't particularly care about the royal family, I'm more worried about Haechan here getting hurt- hey why are you eating my brie cheese?!" he yelled at Donghyuck when he saw what he was doing.

Donghyuck shrugged, taking another bite. "I'm hungry."

"Oh, you guys can come over and stay at my place, it's just me and- oh, I haven't introduced you!" Xiaojun grabbed the arm of the guy who was standing behind him, silent the entire time. "This is Kun, he's staying with me."

"Uh... hey..." Kun said, eyes darting back and forth from Xiaojun and the others.

"We don't want to overstay our welcome," Johnny tried to deny their offer. "Really, we only came to stay for a few days and to ask you some questions-"

"I really don't mind, there's a lot of empty room in my house, come on, I insist."

"Johnny, just accept the offer, please, I want to take a nap," Donghyuck said, taking the last bite of the cheese. "Sorry, Xiaojun, my brother is just a dimwit-"

"I am not a dimwit-"

"Man, my head hurts." They all looked back on the cart where Yangyang and Chen Le were still standing, where the assassin had sat up, rubbing the back of his head. "How long have I been out-"

Without hesitation, Johnny grabbed the frying pan on the cart and slammed the assassin's head again. 

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