CHAPTER 2:Bully fight

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( The next day in school )

Blackpink Pov

We're now in the school and guess what?those annoying screams from girls when bts came,it hurts our ears and cover it obviously so we run away from noisy students cuz we don't like hearing noises especially those girls screams it's so irritating.



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( In the classroom)

While we're walking towards our seats all of the students is staring at us is because probably yesterday that bully thing.

"Hey!!,"the shorty one said.

"What?!".We all said in unison,while the students are giving their attention to us.

"Chill girls,I'm just going to introduce myself and my members so don't be so rude...Btw I'm Min yoongi or just call me Suga".Yoongi said.

"Ok nice to meet you suga".We all said calmy trying not to offend them and bow.

"And girls,you did amazing out there earlier
.The broad shoulder said".

"Where?".Jennie said.

"handling the Momoland bullies and your the savage girl".The younger one said.

"Ohh so that's Ml group,ok-Jennie was cut off by their teacher.

"Ok class open your book in the page 63".
Teacher said.

( Skip )

"Finally it's done and I'm starving".Rosè said.

"well it's not done yet,we have only 2 subjects remaining rosè".Jennie said

"Fine!".Rosè pouts causing them to laugh at her cuteness.


( skip again )

"Yayyy!!! Lunch time".Rosie and lisa said.

"Why the two of you is excited when lunch
time?"Jisoo said.

"Unnie it's because our fav subject is lunch!!".Rosè said.

"and also unnies.....FOOD IS LIFE".Lisa said while daydreaming.

"ok maknaes".Jennie said.

Jisoo is the one that is always bring their food in the table.

"Kimchi!!!".They shouted.

They're eating happily and peacefully but someone interrupted them and Jennie felt liquid of milk in her hair.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!".Jennie shout angrily and gaining attention by the students.

"Jennie/ unnie!!".The three shouted cuz they know jennie is short tempered and they saw her eyes getting dark red.

"That's what you get!cuz your flirting with our oppas!!! YOU SLUT!!".The girl shouted which is nancy.

Jennie said angrily.

"Unnie calm down your eyes".Lisa said nervously.

"What do you want?!!".Jisoo said.

"You know what we want is....STAY AWAY
from BTS!!! Weakss!!"Nancy shout while smirking.

"WHAT DO YOU SAY TO US?!!".The four girls shout angrily while fuming with anger.

"UMM WEAKS!!"Jooe said.

"THAT'S IT!!".They said then BLACKPINK turn their eyes to dark red.

BLACKPINK close their eyes and strangled them and in the eyes of momoland the cafeteria is very dark.

"What is happening guys??!!"The leader shouted in fear and can't breath.

The four girls didn't control their anger on them calling their weaks infront of all students in the canteen until they know what happened on Momoland that can't breath so they end it.

"That's why you can't mess with the wrong group".They said in unison and smirked while Ml catches some air in the ground dumbfounded especially the students.


Were scared when we saw Momoland bully blackpink again cuz we remember jennie says yesterday so today we don't know what will happen in Ml because we feel the anger of blackpink that irene poured milk on jennie's hair.

"Hyungs can we stop them from fighting cuz all the attention are with them."Jk says full of fear.

"i think jungkook is right hyungs we can't just let them fight here."Jimin said.

"We don't know maknaes because i think that if we join them it will be a mess and it's not our fight so please be on your best behaviour,ok?"Jin said calmly.

"Fine...i guess."jimin and jk sighed.


"Hyungs their eyes!!!".The scared maknaes shout and shock of what they see.

"You're right!!!".Namjoon said while shock also,they can't believe on what they saw.

"Oh no!!".Hoseok shout.

"i think they don't want to be called weak.
"yoongi said.

They did not see the dark thingy cuz they just use their powers only Red velvet would see so students said they're weird but BTS feeling weird of them also cuz they saw the eyes of Blackpink

So proceed in the next chapter.😊

4 Powerful Godesses And 7 Mortal BoysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang