Chapter 4

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The next morning...

I had a plan. I was going to convince my dad no matter what I had to do. I would even pull out the puppy dog eyes if I had. But no matter what, I was going to America whether my dad agreed to it or not. 

I had already convinced my siblings earlier to help me escape if I had to. It was hard to convince Audri and Kara, since they had to be the responsible older sisters, but eventually Grey and I got them to agree. 


As I walked down stairs, I got continually nervous. There were butterfly's in my stomach as I prepared to have my dream torn away once again. I expected to get yelled at since my father said last night that the argument was closed for discussion, but I was opening it back up again without his permission. And I was determined to get what I wanted. 

"Father, I would like to speak with you please." I asked him when I got down to his office.

"Sure Em. Just give me a minute." He told me then finished what he was doing and got up from his chair. "Alright what is it?"

"I thought about what you said last night about me not going to America for a year long trip and you're correct. It is too dangerous for the heir to the throne to leave and go so far from the place they are trying to protect." I told him.

"I'm glad you see it that way Em. But what is the catch?" He asked me.

"The catch is, I would like to take a guard with me to America if you'd let me. Scott perhaps? That way I would be protected by one of the best guards in the kingdom. And i'd go under a false name. So no one would know that it was me. You could say that you wanted me to train under you so you pulled me out of school and that would be why I 'didn't' leave the castle anymore. It could work!" I pleaded.

"Emberleigh Loralai Aldi, I told you you would not be going to America and that is final. I do not want to hear another word on this matter. Do you understand me?" He looked so disappointed in me. I had never seen him look at me this way before. I had to say it made me mad at myself that I even asked again. 

I sighed. "Yes Father, I understand." And with that I walked out of the office.

As soon as the door was closed behind me, I sprinted into my brothers chambers where my siblings were all waiting for me. 

"So..." Kara prompted.

"He told me he didn't want to hear another word of the matter, and that it was final that I wasn't going. So obviously that means it's time to hatch the ultimate escape the castle plan." I smirked at my siblings, and they smirked back. Watch out dad.

Craps about to go down.


That night, dressed in some jean shorts, a black spaghetti strap crop-top, and a sheer white cardigan, with some black high-heeled ankle boots, I was ready to escape the palace life and go live with some Americans.

Grey had found a one way airplane ticket to Memphis, Tennessee and booked one seat for me. It was going to be hard to get through the airport and customs without someone recognizing me, but I had to at least try. Audri, Kara, and I all packed my clothes for the year, plus some money, and a few extra things I would need for my trip. As soon as I got to my host home, I was going to go shopping and get the rest of whatever I would need, so there was no need to bring my entire life with me. 

There was no way Father could find out where I had gone. We all used separate back accounts and I changed my password so Father couldn't track where the money had gone. The plan was fool-proof. I would climb out my window when Father and Mother had gone to sleep. Slip past the gates when the guards switched shifts, steal my motorcycle, and zip over to the airport. Angel, my siblings, and Scott were all sworn to secrecy to not tell my father where I had gone, as I would need their help to get put of the palace. All I had to do now was wait.

When one a.m. struck, our plan was put into action. Angel helped me outside through the back window and Grey met me at the ground with my luggage that we had snuck out earlier. Audri and Kara were there too so they could hug me goodbye. After the hugs and tears were done, I ran to the gates where Scott helped me get through them without being caught. He had my motorcycle beyond the gates ready for me and my luggage, so I hopped on and gave one last hug to Scott, wishing him well.

And with that I took one last look at my home, and sped off into the night.


I slipped on a hoodie and pulled up the hood, trying to keep anyone from recognizing me, even though it will be difficult. I grabbed my luggage off the back of the motorcycle, and shyly walked into the airport. People knew me as the confident, sassy princess. If someone saw my face while walking like this? They would never believe it was me. I didn't really know how airports worked, seeing as I had never been in one (I've only ever flown to England, and I'm a princess so I have a private jet). Scott had explained that I needed to go through the security gate, show them my passport, then follow the signs to where my plane would be waiting. The passport was the most difficult part. Since everyone in the country knows my full name I had to make the agent swear on the throne that he wouldn't tell anyone where I was going.

Making it to the gate with only a few close calls of people finding me out was a miracle. I waited for about half an hour before they started calling people to line up for boarding. They called the soldiers and families in active duty first, then first class, and finally community boarding. We had bought a ticket in community for extra caution since no one would expect a princess to not be in first class or anything better. Overall, the experience was rather liberating. I finally had the chance to do what I wanted to do and not what everyone was expecting me to do.

Soon I felt the plane start to move and lift off the ground.

America here I come.


A/N Phew. I have had this is drafts for so long that my laptop literally has a cover of dust on top of it. I know. I know. I haven't updated this story in quite a few months, but I hope I made up for it with this chapter. I would like to have made it longer and I thought about introducing a new character, but then that would kind of ruin the whole point of her not wanting people to recognize her so I decided against it. 

This is crazy man! She's on her way to America!! That kinda went fast but there was nothing really keeping her in Abdula soooo I just kinda tossed her on a plane and said "lets get this party started!!!" We all know I'm impatient. Anyways. How are y'all. I've been pretty good. Caught the rona two weeks ago so that was fun but I'm all better now. Got almost a week off of school for this whole polar vortex thing. There's like a foot of snow outside my house and it's still snowing so we'll see how much we get but I have never seen so much snow in my life. Literally. I live in the south. We never get snow.

I would say i'm going to try and update more but we all know that's not going to happen so I won't get your hopes up. Anyways.

Byyeeeeee for now

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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