Oh, And One More Thing

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Requested by anon: Cameron Frye x reader (not together yet) where the reader, Sloan, Ferris, and Cameron go skipping school to a cool lake and swim for like hours and have fun and then compete at foosball and stuff at an arcade and they end up kissing in the car before he drops her off?

Pairing: Cameron Frye x Female!reader

Warnings: Ittie bit o swearing, fluff, Ferris being Ferris yet again, small teen angst if you squint, small changes of FBDO's storyline (see 2nd note), iffy writing w/ no proofreading

Note: tbch, I got the title from Sucker Punch and I'm not sorry. Also pushing-docks are amazing and so much fun, just make sure to be careful, watch your limbs (that can get stuck between the wood of the dock), and be 100% sure that you know how to swim! Anyways, I hope you liked it, anon!


  -To change it, this is before FBDO takes place. They still steal the Ferrari & I know it doesn't make sense but Ferris and Sloane's kiss scene still happens-, but they get it back without Mr. Frye knowing they took it, all he notices is that something's iffy. When FBDO happens, Cameron has his cannon reaction, but unlike the movie, it's 'cause his dad is already suspicious as it is, so it works out in the end 😅

Key: Bold sentences in quotations = Ferris' voice over/breaking of le fourth wall

The car halted to a stop, Cameron hidden uncomfortably while he waited for Ferris to collect the two girls

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The car halted to a stop, Cameron hidden uncomfortably while he waited for Ferris to collect the two girls. Of course him and Sloane caused a small scene with their kissing. Y/n sat in a spot where she could ask Cam if he was okay without anyone who might be outside seeing, a smile gracing her face when he responded, "Not really, but I'm doing better now that you're here."

Finally, Ferris started the car and sped off, allowing Cameron to sit up and get comfortable for once. Y/n waited for him to move the cover before she moved next to him and away from the couple, giggling at the expression he made.

"Don't do that, it's dangerous."

"Says the guy who stole his father's Ferrari." She teased.

"Actually, Ferris took it. I tried to stop him, I really did but-"

"Cam, it's okay, I'm kidding." Her laugh made his smile return. A couple more chuckles later, Sloane and Ferris were laughing as well. "Though he has a point Ferris. Anything happens, Cameron, or even you, is going to be dead."

"Wow, thank you Y/n, I feel so much better now. Knowing my dad'll kill me makes me jump with joy- ow!" Y/n punched Cameron's shoulder lightly, interrupting his sarcastic comment. She turned to face him, feigning an angered expression. They held eye contact for just a few seconds before they erupted into giggles yet again.

"We're here!" Ferris pulled over and helped Sloane out the car. Y/n got out on her own, then turned towards the car, reaching her hand out for Cameron to take.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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