Twist And Shout

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Requested: Anonymous; More Cameron Frye? Like maybe the first time he realizes he has feelings for his girl?

Pairing: Cameron Frye x reader

Warnings: Soft!Cam, worried!Cam, Ferris embarrassing Cameron, song lyrics, SPOILERS TO FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF

P.O.V: authors

Quick Disclaimer: Get comfy, it's a long one. But I did the best I could on it, I hope you like it!

two songs are included in this; Danke Schoen and Twist And Shout

(second song is up there!)

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Ferris had just convinced Cameron to come over and call Mr. Rooney to get Sloane and y/n out of school, scaring the man in the process. A nurse was sent to pick up the girls from class, the nurse now racing to their classroom. Then informing Sloane of her "Grandmother's death." Sloane giving a genuine reaction to the news while y/n was... well she was bit confused.

"That is unfortunate.. but I'm sorry.. I don't understand what this has to do with me?"

The nurse looked over at her, eyebrows furrowed. "Well Mr. Peterson says you are a family friend and that you are to be pulled out with Sloane here, you guys have some family business to attend to. Am I not correct?"

"Uh.. I'll just go with what you're saying." Y/n reached over and gave Sloane a side hug as they walked out to the front of the school to meet with the dean. "You okay?"

The young girl nodded and opened the door, greeting Mr. Rooney with a kind smile. Y/n decided to wait on the lowest step, putting in her earbuds to her Walkman and watching the road for Mr. Peterson's car. Mr. Rooney was trying to make small talk with the other teen, her expressions showing her boredom. When a bus passed by, a red car was in the middle of the road. Both female's eyes widened in realization, Sloane smiling when Ferris stepped out in disguise.

"Oh Sloane dear, y/n darling? Hurry along now." He made a gesture to the car with his head.

Y/n got up and raced to the car, hoping in the middle of the front, hearing a grunt behind her. "Cam is that you?"

"Yep. Could you like.. move? Forward a bit? Thank you." She did as Cameron asked, reaching down into her backpack to avoid being suspicious. A few moments later Sloane walked down the steps, sharing an awkward moment with Ferris by the car.


"Do you have a kiss for daddy?"

"Are you kidding?"

Y/n groaned and went back to digging through her bag as soon as the couple started to make-out on the spot. 'Disgusting and suspicious.' Could it get any worse? Oh yeah, there was hardly enough room in the car. Sloane got in and sat next to y/n, leaning over when she noticed Cameron.

"Hi Cam, you comfortable?"

"Hi Sloane. No." The two girls giggled slightly, Cameron reaching forward and pinching y/n's hips causing her to giggle more. Ferris entered the car, dropping the Mr. Peterson act a little.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Sloane was excited for adventure, also relived her grandma hadn't actually died.

"The question isn't what are we going to do today, it's what aren't we going to do today."

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