𝖫𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖫𝖺𝗈-𝗀𝖺𝗂𝖨𝖨

Start from the beginning

"We need to find a way to jog his real memories" I suggest.

"Maybe Katara could kiss him. That should bring something back" Sokka suggest.

"Maybe you should kiss him Sokka" She shoots back.

"Oh wait, I got it" Sokka plucks a straw from his mattress and pokes it in Jet's mouth bringing back his signature look.

"I don't think it's working" Jet says spitting out the straw.

"Try to think of something from your past that triggers your emotions" Toph adds.

"The Fire Nation, remember what they did to your family" Smellerbee says.

"Close your eyes and picture it."

As he does so i'm drawn into his memories, i'm seeing everything him and his family have gone through because of my people. The bloodshed, the tears, i look around the place to see Little Jet staring at me with a non-emotional face, his face is just hard and cold.

"Fix the mistakes, before it's too late" He says as i'm being pulled away from the memories to come back to reality looking at everone staring at me, even Jet.

"What happened Zomi" Aang asks me softly as if scared I was going to break any moment from now, he and Katara move over to stand beside me.

"I saw everything Jet and his late family went through, i can see memories" I say still astonished.

"Do you think you can resurface a memory, Mio?" Katara asks.

"Katara" Aang gives her a small glare.

"No, it's okay, i can try, if i concentrate hard enough" I say walking closer to Jet.

"This might hurt abit" He nods as i put all my concentration into focusing on looking for the right memory.

"Got you" Jet gasps as i feel my eyes glow and bring the memory out. I see Long Feng ordering a Dai Li agent to tie Jet up and hypnotize him. I see entrance to the secret tunnel. I let go of jets temple as i felt weak and collapsed against Aang's body who holds me in a firm embrace.

"They took me to a headquarters under the water, like a lake" Jet explains.

"Guys remember what Joo Dee said? She said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai" I say standing to my feet with Aang's aid.

"That's it, Lake Laogai."


"So where's this secret headquarters?" Sokka asks Jet as we got to the lake, looking around.

"I think it's somewhere around here" Jet says.

Toph cuts in "There's a tunnel up ahead"

She whittles walking towards the lake's shore before earthbending the secret entrance, opening the hatch for all of us to look down. Jet led us to a huge underground cave and pointed below.

"I think there might be a cell big enough to hold Appa up" he explains as he stops before a sealed stone door
"I think it's true here"

As Jet opens the door for us, we come across a massive shadowy cavern, i have a feeling, like an unsettling sensation, like we're being watched as we walked through the halls. Soon we see the Dai Li agents fall from the ceiling, around us making it hard for us to escape and infront is Long Feng with more Dai Li agents.

"Now that's something different" Sokka comments.

I hid behind Aang scared as he hold me close glaring at them especially Long Feng.

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