Chapter 15 - Part 1 Noah

Start from the beginning

Half an hour later and Millie and I were on the bow of the boat where I had been trying, and miserably failing to teach her how to do a front flip. Over the past half hour, she has landed in the water every way except feet first.

"One" I said for the millionth time.

She bent her knees and readied herself, sticking out her ass in the process. I tried not to look.


Fuck it I totally looked.


She tensed and started to leap forward. In a split second it all wrong.

Her foot slipped and her body crumpled forward. I reached out for her but much to late. There was a thud as her falling body hit the hull of the boat before falling into the water.

I instantly through myself into the water after her despite the towel still wrapped around my body. As soon as a surfaced, I spun around madly, locating Millie behind me.

"Holy shit Millie I'm so sorry are you okay?"

Her face was red and there were tears in her eyes. I remembered the Duffers words right before I left their office. "Keep her safe." A million thought came to my mind. What if she had to go to the hospital? What if she couldn't act? worst of all, what if she never forgave me?

I swam closer and realized, she wasn't crying, but rather giggling. She had been trying to contain her laughter but finally she let out an uncontrollable snort and burst into completely hysteria. After a few moments of shock I finally relaxed and joined her fit of giggling.

"Everything alright down there?"

Vihaan's head appeared over the bow, peering down at us in the water. When he saw we were okay he let out a smile.

"The hell happened?"

"We fell." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Both of you?"


"At the same time?"


He shook his head, grinning.

"You to make an odd couple."

He turned and disappeared toward the back of the boat.

I gave Millie the best hug I could while treading water.

"You scared the shit out of me Mills."

"Sorry. Maybe you should have taught me better."

"Excuse me! It's not my fault that you slipped. In fact I think-"

I was silenced as she smashed her lips into mine. They taste like lake water but I didn't mind at all. I kissed her back for a few seconds before we were forced to pull apart so we could keep treading water. It wouldn't have been very romantic if we drowned. We swam around to the back of the boat, climbed back on and Vihaan continued to show us around the lake.

I spent the rest of the ride trying to contain my beaming smile and extremely positive mood. It was easy to feel good around Millie. This day was by far the best I had ever had and there was still a few hours to go. I had yet another surprise waiting for Millie back at the resort.


"Noah I swear the resort brochure said dinner is served at 7:00. It is now 7:45 and if we don't get dinner because you're insisting dinner is at 8:00 then I am going to kill you." Millie yelled from the bathroom where she was getting ready. I was standing in the main part of our room and watching out the window as Vihaan and some of the other staff secretly got my plan together.

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