How Vaping Can Affect You

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The vapor contains harmful chemicals and very fine particles that are inhaled into the lungs  and exhaled into the environment. Sports: You want to do your  best in sports, and vaping  may lead to lung  inflammation (irritation). Money: Vaping  is expensive! The cost of the cartridges over time starts to add up. In other words it can cause cancer and is it very difficult to breathe when exercising or sleeping. Most people at night have trouble breathing due to the fact that they vape. Vaping is like taking in smoke and inhaling it inside your lungs, which is smoke that stays there for a long period of time. I have seen myself one of those vaping things my brother used to had one, He would vape just to show off at school and look cool, Just because in school other kids were doing it because their parents allowed them too. Which in my way of seeing things I find that irresponsible and so bad for the kids health, Especially kids that are developing and growing and are not fully adults yet. That can also cause harm to your teeth it makes them yellow. Even though it has different tastes of fruits it doesn't mean it won't harm your teeth. I found out my brother was boxing one day at home, and I would see he would punch his punching bad but with not the same force he used to, Because he was shorting out of breath more frequently.  That made me think about how he loves to vape so much. And how it was affecting him. So I told his doctor, Once they did some tests on him, the doctor asked if he smokes. Which vaping is the same thing as smoking, you're smoking color smoke it's the same thing. So he immediately told my brother to stop or he won't get better from his shortness of breath and from doing his daily activities like he normally would. I would see how he would smoke it and inhale it and exhale it from his nose. Which that's another way of making him breathless. He didn't listen to my advice but eventually had to listen to the doctors. He kept on thinking he wouldn't look cool without it, But what I think is with it he won't be able to have a better health. So good news he stopped. Ever since then he felt much better. He went back to doing his daily activities and hobbies like boxing and practicing exercises at home. Now my brother doesn't remember about doing that garbage toxic thing. And from that I learned that i tried it once but never will again. If anyone is doing this please talk to your doctor get the best advice and help you can because this will not lead to a good path. It will mess your lungs and it is not okay. Your health is important and should not be played with. Thank you so much for reading this I hope you guys understand what my brother had to struggle and how much toxic he was inhaling through his young lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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