26 promise me not to work

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Astrid p.o.v

I was in a healers hit because when I went down from Hiccups hut or tower I saw him flying but almost out of breathe once he was about to land he crashed into the floor I saw harpoon wounds on his arm and an arrow wound his Hiccups pretty much invinsible

I was just sitting there looking at Hiccup in a stool and saw him taking slow breathes I look outside and see some thunderous clouds coming our way but very dark clouds why is thor all of a sudden mad at Hiccup because hes a demon

Hasn't he suffered enough I then hear groans coming from Hiccup and I see uim opening his head and tilting his head and looked at me oh no is he gonna do the same thing to me as he did to Gothi when he woke up

But nothing happened "Astrid is everything okay" he said and to be clear no I'm not Hiccup would do anything to save his kids and me

"No Hiccup I'm not okay you've been fighting demons,been struck by lightning,and you've been shot by arrows and harpoons so no I'm not" I said yelling covering my mouth feeling a bit of tears but I felt a hand on top of my hand and saw it was Hiccup

"Sorry Astrid but it either was me or my kids and you know I'll do anything to protect them and you no matter what" he said that brought a smile to my face and Cheeks flashing red

"How are my kids" He said they're fine actually it was like it never happened "they're fine Hiccup you have nothing to worry about" I said with a smile and changing the towel that was on his head and putting a fresh one on top of his head but when I looked at him he had a worried face

"Hiccup is everything okay" I asked grabbing the old towel and squeezing it to get the water out "kinda you know in all of my time I've never killed anyone infront of my children they must think I'm a terrible person killing bad people I mean they're father is a killer for crying out loud" he said that's not what I see

I see a brave man trying with all his might protecting his village and his kids that's what I see "Hiccup your wrong no matter what you do infront of your kids they will always see you as a father and I will always see you as a boyfriend" I said giving him a kiss on the head

"Thanks I needed that" he said sitting down I look at his shoulder and see that it was healing good but it left a scar on him great how many scars will Hiccup get hasn't he suffered enough already

I then look outside again and started getting flashbacks of when Hiccup was struck by lightning and he got blind and eversince that day it would've been me being blind I would've been so scared if Hiccup wasnt there

A thunder came and I gave a small yelp and I guess Hiccup must've heard me "what scared of a little thunder" he said how come he isn't he was blind isnt he scared of being blind again it could be permanent this time

"Hiccup I want to make a small deal" I said and I saw the shock expression on his face I want to ask him to take this day off I'm tired of seeing him injured and me not doing anything

"Amm okay what's the deal" he said I them grab his hand and hold it like if my life depended on it "Hiccup I want you to take this day off you deserve it" I said but all I saw were still shock expressions

"Astrid i cant do that I've made a deal with my dad saying that i have to keep finding demons and send them back to hell" Hiccup said why is he always so stubborn yes I know he sacrificed his soul so I could live but his father cant keep making him hunt down demons amd send bad guys to hell against his wi'll

"Come on Hiccup out of all the days weve been together I've never seen you take a break" I said looking at his but he just pulled a grin on his face

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