Chapter 1 | Basketball Training

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4:41 PM

"Park y/n." He said while smiling walking towards me with blushing dark brown eyes. He always changes his eyes and words when facing me. "Your turn."

Oh shit. There still twelve students on the list, I hate it when I always advance first. Everyone always pretends to be still practicing. Without many words because I know if I complain about why I am always first at playing, well,,, Lee Juyeon. Chairman of the Student Council It always appears wherever and whenever if I want to talk to the basketball teacher.

Juyeon walked to get a chair and sat watching me carrying a basketball. Juyeon always gives a facial expression that always makes me feel embarrassed.

After doing a few things, I immediately chased the ball and turned it back in front of Juyeon. Juyeon looked into my eyes and before long he winked at me. "Alright next." He said while smiling back at me. I immediately sat down and covered my face with my hands.

"Park y/n, are you okay? If you feel sick, you can go to the infirmary," Juyeon asked while putting his hand on my forehead to see if I was sick or not. Many students behind and in front cheered us both on the thought of dating. "Juyeon I'm fine." I replied while smiling and eyes closed.
"But look at your face, your face looks very pale. Just tell me if you are sick" Juyeon kept staring at me and putting her hands on my cheeks,the soft touch of his hand on my face. Try it if I could hold it, it would be comfortable.

5:32 PM

Today's training is over, many students have come home from school, I walk while carrying my bag towards the school gate. But before reaching the gate,,,

"Is there anything left? I'll try to check the bag first. Where are my history books? I'll try to check it in class first." I say while closing my bag and walk to class. It was getting darker little by little, no one was at school, there were only security guards. I was alone in class looking for my history book not there.

"What are you doing at a time like this yet?" A deep voice that sounded exactly like behind me. I was still standing still not daring to turn my body, because I knew this must be one of the student council who was following the school guard. "Answer my question earlier, why aren't you home yet? Park y/n."

Damn it.

"I'm just looking for my notebook, history notebook. That's just nothing else." Trembling body, head down, and mixed feelings. "Why are you so scared like this? Your history notebook is gone?" Juyeon gives me a question while taking the book that is on the shelf.

We reached thirty minutes to find a book. I thank Juyeon for helping me this time. We walked together to get out of the classroom.

Juyeon drove me to the bus stop, and I saw with my own eyes he waved his hand and winked at me. Soon Juyeon left the bus stop. My whole body is very sore, from my right hand and also my legs.

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