Chapter 1

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Mrs. Chen flipped through the contents of a manila folder, her eyes scanning every page with exaggerated interest. This was the same file she read through every time we sat in this office, as if memorizing my academic history will ultimately help her understand all my problems in life. As if uncovering my issues will help her get on my good side. 

She folded her bony fingers under her chin, raising her almond-shaped eyes to mine. "Your transcript from Galatea Prep is amazing. Most of your teachers there all commented that you were a fine student, and seemed quiet happy as well, despite a handful of occurrences they labeled as being 'occasional mood swings.' What went wrong?"

I left my face free of any emotion. "Why do you ask, Mrs. Chen? Are you saying that Crestwood isn't suitable enough for the rich?"

Her right eye twitched at my nonchalant tone, but she held her composure. "Don't act so offended, Constance. I am your guidance counselor. Poking my nose where it doesn't belong is in my job description. Galatea Prep is just a few streets over. Why would you transfer right in the middle of your junior year? And to a...less elite school at that?"

"Your job is to keep me emotionally healthy and alive, Mrs. Chen. I don't see how any of this is necessary. If you would like to listen to a graphically descriptive tale about the hardships of my childhood, please come over for tea on Saturday. We have snacks."

Mrs. Chen blinked. "Very well," she grunted. She rubbed her slender hands over face for a moment before absentmindedly shuffling the papers on her desk.

"Now, about your social life. Er, you should try to get around more. Give people a chance. You're very different from us in terms of status, but I'm sure you'll get along with some people if you give it a try." She gave me a wide smile.

Ah yes, I was very different from them. The type of different that makes my classmates side-eye me when I near their vicinity before moving away because of disgust. Makes me feel very special.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mrs. Chen. Is there anything else you need me for?" Please just let me fucking leave. 

Mrs. Chen sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose with the tip of her index finger. "No. You may leave."

I collected my bag from the side of the chair and headed out of her tiny office. The guidance department was painfully bright, even at 8 am on a cloudy day. The walls were painted a puke yellow, reminding me of police tape and warning signs. Blue letters that spelled out words like DREAM, ACHIEVE, and IMAGINE were pasted on random places on the walls. The vivid color scheme and the gleeful aura of the decorations failed to overshadow the somber presence of the adults in the room. A small, rotating fan placed at the edge of the front desk emitted a numbing monotone hum, heightening the dullness of the atmosphere.

I began to step out into the hallway when I nearly walked into someone who was coming in. The girl had pretty brown skin, with a slight blemish on her chin. Her dark hair fell around her shoulders in a large mass of entangled and frizzy curls, the type where you feel like you can hide anything inside and never find it again. She was chubby and short, and there was an air of innocence around her that she seemed to grasp onto like a protective shield. 

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