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Dear Senator Bonteri,

I just can't stop writing these. I guess they help me cope with the fact that my old life is gone. I'm no longer a Jedi, I've lost all my friends, and I've lost you. I'm not Ahsoka anymore, I'm Ashla now, and I live in hiding.

It's not all bad though. Nyx is nice and he cares for me, and I care for him, but if he ever found out about my secrets... my past, the Jedi, this notebook... he would leave me, and I'd be alone. I guess I just figured out why I'm with Nyx, even though I'm still head over heels for you. I'm afraid of being alone, not having anyone there for me. Nyx gives me security and company. 

I hope I'll see you again sometime. Maybe, by some chance, you haven't forgotten about me, and we can still be friends. But you seem happy, and I don't want to ruin that for you, so I'll stay away.

Yours truly,


Letters to Senator BonteriWhere stories live. Discover now