Omake #3 Mina falls for an Angel

Start from the beginning

"Mina Ashido to the teachers lounge, I repeat, Mina Ashido to the teachers lounge" Aizawa's voice came over the campus intercom.

"OH NO! HE"S GONNA BE SO MAD AT ME!" Mina panicked, running around in small circles before grabbing the papers she had dropped when she initially ran into Ishi. The older girl laughed a little at Mina's antics delicately covering her mouth to stifle the quiet giggles, it drew Mina's attention bringing the girl to a pause and the blush back with a vengeance.

"Aizawa won't be too mad, he's really nice," Ishi said, making Mina deadpan and think of a time that Aizawa had done anything that wasn't a direct threat to her class, she came up with nothing. But she didn't want to crush whatever image the adorable girl had over her teacher so she didn't mention it.

"Anyway, I gotta get going! It was nice to meet you" Mina flashed her most blinding smile and started turning to walk away. Until Ishi took a step forward and grabbed her arm, a small snake whispering into her ear as she selected a small flower from her bouquet and tucked it in behind Mina's ear.

Mina stood shocked for a second before smiling once more, waving to the snakes and awkwardly running away in embarrassment and joy. "She is so freaking cute! I love her so much!" Mina thought on her way to the teachers lounge to hand in her (read: very) late homework.

"Shouta?" Ishi said later when he walked through the apartment doors.

"Hmm" he replied.

"You have a girl named Mina in your class, right?" He groaned, what did the bakusquad do now?

"Yeah" he said hesitantly.

"What's she like" Ishi twiddled her thumbs, occasionally cracking her small knuckles, making Aizawa cringe every time.

"She's a problem child, loud, energetic, always following around this Bakugou kid even though he's insane, playing pranks on everyone, but they don't mind because she's not trying to be mean...I think"

"That's high praise from you," Ishi said with a smile before turning and heading up the stairs to her room.

Aizawa was a little confused why she was interested in one of his problem children but the thought melted out of his mind at the series of bouquets along the chest of drawers just inside the door, each one clearly with a theme that represented the teachers that lived in the building. He smiled before taking off his shoes, grabbing an Ishi-made muffin from his container in the kitchen and flopping down on the couch.

Ishi sat in the courtyard surrounded by a multitude of flowers, each one carefully sorted by color, fragrance, and type. She carefully wove the flowers together into a complex crown, small pieces of decorative grass and smaller yellow flowers with larger showpiece flowers like white ranunculus and baby pink dinner plate roses. She lifted her hand holding her phone to take a picture and send it to her family, using the voice command accessibility option to make it easier.

"Hiya Ishi!" Mina called out from the other side of the courtyard, startling her so she dropped her phone. "Ah, sorry about that, here ya go" Mina said as she walked closer and picked up Ishi's phone from the ground and went to put it in Ishi's lap. "What are you ya working on?"

"A flower crown" Ishi replied, holding up her nearly finished creation for Mina to inspect, Mina took this as an invitation to sit down next to her and keep her company, perhaps make her own flower crown with the multitude of flowers laid out over the grass in the shade of a large tree.

"It's wonderful Ishi! So pretty! Where did you learn how! Can you teach me how to do it like you do! So cool!" Mina gushed looking over the light colors and intricate knotted stems that held the crown together.

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