I contemplated on how to ask him, considering the fact that he would definitely make fun of me.

"I...umm...actually." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I don't have all day, Daniel." He impatiently tapped his foot on the floor. I sat straight and cleared my throat. He's my friend, let him make fun of me. There is nothing new in that.

"I want your help to plan a proposal for Eloise."

There was a staring game for a few seconds and then he broke into fits of laughter.

"Stop laughing and help me out." I scowled and punched his upper arm.

Well, he did plan a terrific introduction for his wife which became a talk of the town for quite a long.

"How can I help you with this?" He asked when his laughter died.

"I want to introduce her to society as my girlfriend so I want your suggestion. How should I do it?"

"Hmm...let me think." He leaned back on the couch and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Then he shifted and placed his elbow on the edge of the backrest of the couch and rested his head on his palm.

"So... She's your woman, right?" I nodded my head, he too did the same. "You want to introduce her as your girlfriend, right?" I again nodded my head.

"Then you should..." I was listening to him intently.  He leaned a little towards me, reading my eyes.

"Then you should... Plan it yourself. I planned my wife's introduction myself then you should do the same." He leisurely stood up and walked out of the office. After a few seconds, I snapped out of the shock I received from his remarkable suggestion.

"Fuck off." I cursed and threw a cushion at the door from where he left.

Frustrated, I stood up and paced back and forth in my office, running my mind to find an idea but it wasn't helping at all.

In a few minutes, Scott entered the office.

"Sir, you have a meeting with Mr. Osmotto of Osmo motors in half an hour." He reminded me.

"Yeah, okay. Listen, Scott, you can go home as I'll directly head home after the meeting." I said.

"Okay, sir, Thank you." He placed the documents on my desk and left.

I attended the meeting in a restaurant which took one and a half hours to end. When I was free from the meeting, I decided to meet Eloise at her workplace. The studio in which she was having her shoot was near the restaurant, so I decided to surprise her.

I parked my car outside the studio and waited for her to come out. I didn't step out of the car as paparazzi were lingering there and I didn't want them to click our photos together before I make anything official.

When I saw her coming out of the studio with Evan, I dialed her number, I saw her smile when she looked at the phone screen.

"Hey." Her sweet voice filled my ears.

"I'm waiting for you in my car at your left."

She looked around and her smile broadened when she spotted my car. She said something to Evan and was about to walk to my car when the paparazzi surrounded her. Damn it!

Evan didn't let anyone come near her, he helped her reach my car. This time I couldn't help but wonder why she doesn't have bodyguards with her. Anyhow, she finally managed to approach my car. Evan left when she was inside the car.

"Hey, what a surprise!" She smiled.

"Wanted to see you," I grinned and drove off before the camera people could surround us and stopped the car when we were far away from them.

Entangled: PlayfullyWhere stories live. Discover now