Chapter Two

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Jenna’s POV:

I swear I met the perfect girl; she has great taste in music, great style, and overall is just cool. As she was getting changed I couldn’t help but stare, she had a black bra on and I think I stared too long because Britney walked in and called me a faggot. I hate that word; it’s just so rude and disrespectful. I was too deep in thought but I caught Tay saying something to Britney.


“Tay calm down that’s just what she wants you to do,” I calmly whispered into Tay’s ear as I rubbed her shoulders.

“Can we skip this class Please?” she whined.

“No Tay we can’t, I’m sorry but it’s our first day.” We continued to go through gym class with no problems, the bell rang and we sprinted in to the locker room.

“Jardine why can’t you run like that during my Gym class,” our teacher laughed. We got changed and started to head to lunch. It was a quiet but peaceful walk, but we finally made it and I had no idea where to go so I just followed Tay. We sat down next to a group of people, one was tall and he had long brown hair, another had bright blue hair and she was cuddling with a boy who had sandy brown hair, the next one had black hair and glasses, sitting next to him was a boy with black hair that had a white strip through it, and finally on the far left sat two boys one had black hair and the other had skunk colored hair, he was looking at the girl with blue hair and the boy she was with angrily.

“Jenna this is Jordan,” she said pointing to the tall guy. “Hayley,” she said pointing to the blue haired girl. “Alex” pointing to the boy Hayley was with. “Mike” she pointed to the one with glasses. “Rob” she pointed to the boy next to Mike. “Cam” she pointed to the boy with black hair. “And Jack” she said as she pointed to the angry one, I went down and sat next to him.

“You look angry,”

“That’s because I am angry,” Jack said.

“Care to tell me why?” I giggled.

“It’s because of Hayley and Alex.” He mumbled.

“Oh, do you like Alex?” I asked. Just as I said that he grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.


“No, I just have a really good gay dar,” I stated. “Jack I’m gay.”

“I’m not going to lie, I thought you were strait.”  Jack plainly stated, “So do you have your eye on anyone yet?”  He wiggled his eyebrows.



“I like…” just as I was going to say Tay’s name she walked outside to join us.

“What are you guys doing out here, making out?”

“EWWWW NO THAT’S GROSS!” Jack and I both screamed.

“I’ll leave you two out here” Jack said as if he knew I liked Tay.

“I have to go, I have History next and if I’m late she’ll kill me.”  Tay said as she took out her phone.

“Put your number in and Ill text you after school and we can hang out at my place.”

“Okay,” I put my number in her phone, she said bye and walked away.

Tay’s POV:

I continued throughout the rest of the day thinking about Jenna, she was the definition of perfect, with her green hair, nose piercing, and flannels. I’ve known this girl for one day and I’m already head over heels for her. It was the end of the day and I was sitting outside on a bench when I remembered to check my phone; it said I had five missed calls from my mom and three texts from her.

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