Chapter 9 - back in UA

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The bus arrives at my house to take me to UA. I'm once again surrounded by UA students since all of them have been picked up already.

I'm slightly tired so I lean my head against the window. But that's when I hear a familiar voice, and he's singing?


Kami likes Panic! At the Disco?

I gesture at him to sit next to me and he does so immediately. He then takes his airpods out, which is unusual for him to say the least.

"Hey (Y/N?), excited for another school day?" he says, giving me a peck on the cheek afterwards.

"Not really..." I say, truthfully.

He edges closer to me and rests his head on my shoulder. I can't help but play with his blonde hair.

"Is that lightning streak natural?" I say curiously.


He then gets a notification and checks his phone.

"Just an app update, boring..."

We arrive at the school shortly after.

"Come on (Y/N)! We gotta go to class!"

He then holds my hand and we both walk to Class 1-A together.

"You two dating?" says Ochako, curiously.

We didn't mind telling Ochako, well, as long as she didn't tell Mina. Mina was always spreading gossip around the school.

"I see! I really want to date Deku but I don't know how to tell him..."

"You'll figure it out!"

Then Aizawa comes in, looking as tired as usual. I really need to tell him that he needs more rest but I don't want to sound offensive.

"Good morning class"

"Morning Aizawa"

Kami quietly says "this class is probably going to be boring today"

I giggle and agree with him.

We're told that some villains decided to attack us again, so we need to find where they're hiding and win the fight as heroes.

Of course there will be pro heroes at the scene, but I'm still scared that I'm going to end up getting hurt. Maybe really badly.

electric love - denki kaminari x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin