◀thirty two: stop talking▶

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「sorry, but i don't need your opinion, it's not your business.」

mingi was on the verge of pulling out his own hair, they were supposed to meet hours ago to rehearse for a battle of the bands held in their school

they were going to use san's newly written songs and that's why they needed to practice but for god knows what reason seonghwa still hasn't shown up.

"hyung, i'm sure he's just running late, he'll be here." jongho tries, also trying to contact seonghwa while trying to practice the new song 

"yeah, he's never one to bail on us." san enthused but mingi had a bad feeling at the pit of his stomach, he's been slacking off ever since seongeun came back and he was not having it, he didn't want to see his friend fall into a deep hole of her manipulation again 

"i'm gonna go see yeosang." he stands up, picking up his coat and leaving the room, the hollers from his bandmates falling into deaf ears, part of him hoped that seonghwa is with yeosang and just lost track of time but he knows yeosang wasn't one to keep seonghwa from practices.

he runs down the stairs, skipping two steps at the time to be quicker but as he turns the corner he almost crashes into yeosang who had a tray of coffee with him as well as a box of baked good from the cafe "mingi! careful." he laughs lightly, holding on to the food tightly 

"sorry yeo yeo," mingi huffs, deciding to be a good friend and help him with what he was carrying "what's gotten you in such a hurry?" yeosang asks, thanking him afterwards as they made their way back to the practice room before the coffee gets watery from the ice 

"i was actually going to look for you." mingi answers while the ravenette scrunches his brows "did seonghwa tell you to? i heard you have new songs-" 

"i can't find him and i have been freaking out for the past hour." yeosang hushes him, telling him to calm down because maybe he got held back in class or something "i'll call him, okay?" he nods before yeosang opens the door 

"hello babies! i got you some drinks and food, courtesy of me, wooyoung, and yunho of course," he smiles brightly while he sees how san and jongho got excited and grabbed their drinks from the tray 

"drink up, i know how nerve-wracking competitions can be." he puts down his bag before getting the box of muffins from mingi and removing the tapes from the side "yunho baked them, extra special." jongho was the first one to get a piece 

"will you be my boyfriend instead? i wanna be able to have someone bring me snacks too." he asks yeosang who just chuckles 

"i don't think hwa would appreciate that but are you up for being my little baby brother?" he suggests and jongho was quick to nod, telling him that he can work with that, if it means having someone to take care of him too because he was the only one who's single.

they waited for another half hour to pass and still no sign of seonghwa "i'm literally going to kill him." mingi was chewing on his straw out of frustration while san was teaching yeosang how to play his bass because he said yeosang has the hands for it 

"my phone is in my backpack, try calling him from my phone." mingi did as told, putting the call on speaker and after 5 or so rings he picks up but the voice from the other side of the phone wasn't seonghwa but rather seongeun 

"why do you have hwa's phone?" mingi asks while everyone snapped their head up "we're hanging out, he's in the bathroom, why have you guys been blowing up his phone for the past hour, it's getting annoying mingi." the drummer's jaw clenched while yeosang was frozen on the spot 

"maybe because we have practices because there's a competition, so can you please let him fucking know." he wasn't holding back anymore, this is what he hope would never happen

he never wanted anything to come in between them again but it was like high school all over again 

"jesus christ mingi, chill, i'll let him know, why are you using his so-called boyfriend's phone though?" yeosang and mingi made eye contact upon hearing her mention him 

"is he your groupie or something, getting passed around by every mem-" yeosang takes the phone from mingi's hands and hangs up, tossing it back into his backpack 

"hey, come here you," san pulls him back to where they were sitting before he marched up to mingi 

"don't let her get to you yeo, she's always been a fucking bitch but she acts like an angel when seonghwa is around." mingi grumbles, yeosang nods as he knows what she's trying to do and he just goes back trying to learn how to play the instrument with san.

another half hour passes and mingi was just mindlessly banging on his cymbals, jongho was slumped over the amps, san was half asleep on the window and yeosang was making some changes on the lyrics. 

"well, if it isn't mary, mother of god. what, no disciples?" mingi says sarcastically as soon as seonghwa went inside 

"we were supposed to meet here 2 hours ago." he points out, jongho scrambles up into a sitting position while san fully wakes up, yeosang felt the tension so he stands up 

"i should go," he tries to excuse himself but mingi told him to sit his ass down and he slowly sinks back down because he didn't want to make the drummer even more mad 

"come here hyung," jongho rubs his shoulder as he takes him to the corner of the room while san followed because mingi and seonghwa were basically having a stare off.

"should we just drop out of the competition? we can do that if you want to." mingi says while seonghwa shakes his head 

"i was late once and you're acting like this." seonghwa scoffs as he puts his guitar aside "i don't mind you being late on other days but let me remind you that we have a bunch of new songs that needs to be practiced and polished." he states as a matter of fact because seonghwa was being a little lacking for the past couple of days 

"so can you just please lay off hanging out with seongeun, please, just for a few weeks. i am deadass begging at this point." mingi follows him around the room as he grabbed the cords for the amplifier 

"mingi, what is it with you and her? she's never done anything bad and yet you have such a disdain for her." mingi's mouth gapes open at what his friend had just said

"oh! you're asking me why as if i didn't see you fucking ruin yourself because of her." it was rare to see someone as happy-go-lucky as mingi to be angry and it honestly scared san and jongho, they've never seen them argue like this before 

"that is all in the past mingi, i've forgiven her for leaving and why can't you." mingi gives up, putting his hands up "right, sweet and angelic seongeun," he says sardonically while seonghwa faces him again 

"you don't know her like i do mingi so i suggest you shut your mouth if you have nothing good to say." mingi was done, grabbing his sticks that he had dropped prior 

"do you have any idea what the fuck she said about your boyfriend?" yeosang felt his breath hitch when the attention turned to him 

"tell him sang, tell him what his good friend said about you earlier." he eggs on while yeosang was contemplating, he knows he's involved the minute she insulted him but at the same time he didn't want to add more fuel to the fire 

"mingi, it's okay, i really should go now." he stands up "i'll walk you down." jongho offers, taking hold of yeosang's backpack 

"mingi, it's okay, i promise and hwa, please just hear mingi out, he has good intentions. i'll call you later, okay? i love you." he wanted to give him a kiss but he holds himself back and waves goodbye at them 

"hey, it's okay hyung, it'll be okay," jongho assures as soon as the door closes, he was optimistic but he knows it's a whole different story when seongeun is involved "they've been best friends for so long, they'll make up, i hope."

[a/n: i wasn't supposed to update but i almost got an anxiety attack for personal reasons and i figured i'd write so i can get my mind off it and to let it subside.]

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