"I know that he's troubled. But..."

"He's fucking angry Ander! He wants them dead and this won't changed until people forgot what happened !" Continued Luccia yelling at him.

"How do you want us to forget Luccia ?! You almost died." Answered Ander with pity. He was almost crying and he went to his room in silence.

Luccia stayed on the sofa during ten minutes thinking about what her brother said when suddenly she received a message. It was Samuel. He was asking her where they were meeting for doing the school project and when. So she told him that they were meeting at her house and at 1 PM and she sent her address and she turned off her phone. She went to the room dedicated to sport. She went to the punching ball and she started boxing. Luccia have some boxing training since last year. She was training during almost thirty minutes when she heard someone the doorbell ringing. She went to the door and she opened it and she saw Marina.

"Marina ? Happy Birthday. What are you doing here ?"

"Hello to you too."

She entered in the house and Luccia followed her.

"Look at your phone next time."

Luccia frowned and she turned her phone on. She saw eleven calls of Marina and three messages.

"Really ? Eleven calls ?"

"I was worried. Why did you turn you phone off, you know that tonight there is my birthday party and like always I come here to choose you dress and you choose mine."

"Then where are your dress ?"

"In my car." Said Marina with a big smile.

Luccia smiled back but Marina could feel that something was wrong.

"What's wrong ? And don't say me "nothing" or "what" because I won't trust you and I will force you to tell me what's going on."

"We had a fight. With Ander, but it's okay."

"You have a lot of arguments with Ander this few days."

"Yeah, he's strange. He's angry more often, I think he's hiding something."

Marina looked at Luccia sadly. She took her hand and she took her to her car.

"It will be okay. Now help me. Please ?"


Marina took a box with a lot of clothes and Luccia took the other one. They both went to Luccia's room and Luccia closed the door after they entered in it. Luccia put the bow on her bed and she looked at Marina who was taking her clothes out the box. They were a lot of dress but after a moment they found the perfect dress for her party. It was a white dress. She was short and with a lot of lace. She was obligated to wear a white dress to show that she is still a virgin.

"It's suck you know. All of this, showing that I'm a virgin when I have HIV, it's pathetic."

"You don't really have a choice Marina. If you show up with a black dress, your parents will literally kill you."

"It won't bother me."

Luccia looked at her with a sad expression but she put a smile on her face for encouraging her.

"It looks like a fake smile but a smile."

"Sorry, fake smiles aren't my thing."

"That's false. You are always doing fake smile, always. When you are at a party with the shareholder of your father or just with Azucena."

Luccia laughed and Marina followed her. Marina always knew how to change Luccia's mind and same for Luccia. That's why they are best friends, they don't judge each other and they know that they can count on each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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