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Once we got home, I fell down on a bench, he sat beside me, both of us exhausted, "you're a great fighter" he said as I groaned, "Everything hurts!" I complained as he laughed, "now you can tell everyone you got to fight the greatest hero in all of Albion..." he joked as I groaned again, "don't turn into Reaver grandfather...I can only deal with one egotistical asshole in my life and I'm marrying him" I said as Reaver walked up. "Welcome back my dear, Silvyr" Reaver spoke as we both groaned at him. "You were right Sparrow...everything hurts..." my grandfather said as I laughed, "oof...don't make me laugh...y'know...I thought you were gonna go easy on me since we're family...but I guess not..." I said placing a hand on my side as Reaver arched an eyebrow. I then gasped, "I just had an amazing idea!" I spoke as they both grew confused, "let's rebuild the Hero's Guild!" I spoke as I got up and looked at them, "Silvyr can be the leader, Theresa can be the guild master, Reaver can teach people the art of skill, Hammer can teach them about strength, and Garth can do will...and before they graduate, they have to fight me in all three..." I said as Reaver chuckled. Silvyr sat up and looked at me. "You do realize, we need gold in order to get weapons, food, clothes, and other things...you know that right?" he asked as I smiled and nodded. "Reaver here is pretty rich...plus...need I remind you who my daughter is? I'm sure she'll be more than happy to help us out" I said as they laughed. "What makes you so sure my dear Sparrow?" Reaver asked, "let's go to Fairfax castle and ask!" I spoke as Theresa walked up, she was wearing something completely different than what she normally wore. She wore a red shirt and a pair of black pants. "You will never know what the future will hold...so why not take the leap" she spoke as we looked at her, her hair was also pulled back into a tight ponytail.

The rest of the day, we packed up for our journey to Fairfax Castle. I climbed onto my horse, the others did the same and we rode off to Bowerstone.

~Le time skip~

Once the new guild was opened, people joined immediately. Even Logan was there, I walked around the grounds, I saw Hammer was training the new recruits on how to use melee attacks, which Logan already knew how to do, so he was with Garth, trying to learn how to use will. "You must relax first" Garth spoke as I walked up, "I am relaxed" Logan growled, I smiled and walked up. I stood beside Garth, "how is he doing?" I asked my friend who let out another sigh, "your mind is still clouded, clear your mind" he said as Logan growled again, "all right...I'm gonna step in here for a moment." I spoke as I stood in front of Logan, "mother, what are you doing?" he asked as I smiled, "there was a time when I had trouble learning a new spell...I enlisted Garth to help me learn it...much like you, I grew frustrated. But, then he did something that I didn't expect..." I said as Garth walked up, "what?" Logan asked as I smiled. "Follow us..." Garth said as I nodded and the three of us walked into the woods. "All right...what are we doing?" Logan asked as we all sat down in front of a large log. "Close your eyes," I told my son as he arched an eyebrow, "trust us..." Garth said as Logan closed his eyes, "take a deep breath" I whispered, Logan, did as I instructed, "think about those who you wish to protect." Garth started, "those who make life worth fighting for..." I added, "those you will die for. No matter the danger" Garth spoke as I smiled, "now release your breath..." I spoke as he exhaled, "these are the people where you draw your will from. Your power to use what no other man can...this power will make you different. It will help you protect those people..." Garth spoke, after a few minutes, Logan opened his eyes and looked at us. "You must always remember to clear your mind...and think about those you wish to protect..." I said standing up, "no matter what the enemy coming at you is...you will always have to think about what might happen to the ones you love if you cannot defeat it with your will," I said as I shot a lighting bolt at a large beetle. "I think I get it..." he spoke as he got off the ground and we returned to the training grounds. Logan exhaled deeply as he closed his eyes and then shot a lighting bolt at the straw dummy. I smiled, "nicely done Logan" Garth spoke as he patted him on the back, I gave my son a kiss on the cheek and continued to walk around. I saw Reaver shooting all the targets in front of the new recruits. "Reaver..." I spoke as they all looked at me, he had a small smile on his face, "you're not here to boast about your marksmenship...you're here to train them...besides..." I walked up to him and grabbed his gun.

"You're engaged to the one who is way better than you" I simply said as I shot all the targets faster than he did, I shoved his gun back in the holster on his hip. "And that is why I love you" he whispered as I smiled and walked away. The new recruits all clapped and cheered. "If you're much better than I...then why are you not training them?" Reaver shouted at me as I turned around walking backward. "Because I'm not the Hero of Skill now am I?" I asked as he smirked and looked at the people I turned back around and walked into the guild. "Hey there Theresa...how's life?" I asked as she looked at me, "there is a new quest card if you wish to take it" she spoke as I looked at the quest card, "hmm...traders need to be escorted from Silverpines to Brightwall..." I thought for a moment, just then Rose walked in, "I have succeeded in killing the Balverine nest!" she spoke as she handed Theresa the quest card, "I'll take that" Silvyr spoke as he grabbed the card out of my hand and left the guild. I smiled as Theresa and Rose talked, I looked over at my grandfather who was reading the quest card while munching on a green apple. "I accept this quest!" he shouted as we all looked at him, "then go little brother...and stay say" Theresa spoke as Silvyr smiled and then left.

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