12. Flashback's Epilogue ✔

Start from the beginning

"She doesn't have to buy me anything, though," he said weakly. Seok-woo stared at the box wrapped in plain gold paper, and there was a letter along with the present. As he tried to control his emotion, he took out the letter first and read it slowly.

Dear, Love...

Happy 200 days anniversary

I don't know what to write or say to you, but I want to appreciate every moment we spent together. I give you this so you can think of me whenever you're wearing it.

I know you have plenty of watches already, and I love seeing you wearing a watch on your wrist. You look cool in that, you know. Hehe...

Wear it often, please. And think of me often, too...

I love you so much.

Your tiny girlfriend.

Seok-woo smiled bitterly at the last line, his tiny girlfriend. He chuckled and shut his eyes tightly. Yes, she was his cute little girlfriend that required a lot of care, so fragile that he was afraid as he might break her into pieces if he wasn't careful.

He then started unpacking the wrapper of the box and took out the present. It was a watch, and that was one of his favorite brands. Hyeyoon figured it. He tightened his grip on the watch, and he couldn't hold it anymore. Seok-woo stormed out of the car and ran to Hyeyoon's house.

Her room was on the 3rd floor of the building. Seok-woo climbed three stairs at once. Panting hard, Seok-woo arrived in front of her door room. He knocked at the door a few times till he heard Jeein's voice.

"Who's there?" the girl opened the door. She was shocked upon seeing him stood in front of her with ragged breath.

"Is Hyeyoon here?" he breathed out heavily and still managed to ask.

"What are you doing here?" Jeein snapped at him harshly, "She's not here," the girl was about to close the door, but Seokwoo held her.

"Please, let me see her. I need to talk to Hyeyoon," Seok-woo pleaded. Hearing that, Jeein then got out of the room and stood right in front of him angrily.

"She's not here, didn't you hear me?" Jeein snarled. "She's leaving,"

Seok-woo froze and confusedly asked her, "Leaving? Where?"

"You don't have to know. Now, go. Hyeyoon is not here anymore," Jeein was about to go inside, but Seokwoo held her.

"Where did she go?" Seok-woo urgently asked her again, and Jeein slapped his hand.

"She's leaving! It's all because of you!" Jeein pushed the taller man, but since Seokwoo was too big, he didn't flinch a bit.

Seok-woo was way too stronger compared to Jeein. He snatched her wrist and forced her to tell him where Hyeyoon was, and then she gave up. She struggled to release from his grip and stared at him angrily.

Suddenly Jeein got an idea. "You, wait here," she ordered. Then she went into her room and back again after a few moments. She gave him a medium-sized storage box.

Seok-woo confusedly took the box and opened the lid. "She left all your stuff here, and I was about to burn it. Thanks, you're here. Take that away. You can burn it yourself or throw it. I don't care. Now, stop coming here since Hyeyoon is not here anymore!" Jeein then slammed the door shut, leaving Seokwoo outside utterly puzzled.

* * *

Seok-woo was in his apartment and sat on his bed while unboxing the storage box Jeein gave him earlier. There were all their shared memories. Hyeyoon packed them all inside the storage.

The polaroid pictures they took at his birthday party, the Calvin Klein set woman underwear that Inseong gave them as a present, the perfume he bought for her, a few couple items; caps, t-shirt, phone case, bracelet, etc. She packed everything.

Seok-woo sighed and sadly put the stuff back to the storage when he saw something at the bottom of the box. A book. Sketchbook, to be exact. He took it out and frowned. He turned every page, looking at all her beautiful sketches. Her art skill was so artistic. She drew the scenery of their first date at the park. She pictured it well inside her mind and depicted them in a sketch.

Her sketches mainly were sceneries. Enjoying her artworks, Seok-woo kept turning the page till he saw she drew him in silhouette. He frowned. When did she capture this? He didn't remember. The sketch showed him sitting in the library while focusing on his laptop, and the huge windows at the library stood behind him in the background.

He read the note under the sketch. 'The most beautiful view at the library is watching him focused working on his laptop.' She drew it two months ago.

He turned another page and saw another sketch of the campus park; there was a group of students as her objects. The next one was random skyscrapers and the Seoul skyline. He kept turning the pages until he found the last page. It wasn't a drawing. But a note.

Her handwritten note.

She left the note just yesterday as Seokwoo saw the date she wrote at the bottom.

Kim Seok-woo...

He is the man who made me experience many things for the first time. The more I think about him, the deeper my heart feels the pain. I know it's not easy forgetting someone so precious in your life, even until the moment I'm writing this useless note, I'm still deeply, madly in love with him.

There's a lot of things I wish to tell him. But I can't. I can't bear to see him right now; my heart is so messy that I could barely control my anger upon seeing him with another girl. But I understand that every person has the right to be happy and to choose their path.

I let him chose his path; he decided it already. Now, it's my turn to choose. I decided to start anew, leaving his memories behind and chasing my dream. If by fate, these memories returned to where it belongs, then so be it.

If not, then I could only wish him all the best, and I hope he can be a better version of him in the future.

Hyeyoon – 20171109


A/N :

Finally, done with the first part of the story...
The longest chapter I've reached when writing an FF
Back then, I could only manage to write up to 8 or 9 chapters. But it gets 12 already. Hehe...

I hope this is a good sign, and I can keep progressing till the very last chapter. 

It's a double update again... Thank you; I'm so happy to hear your comments right after I updated. It's so amazing. I love your comments.

Hehehehe... I know, Seokwoo's character here is a bit complicated... :D
Even I struggled a lot when trying to illustrate his character through his condition and inner thoughts.


I will keep working for the next part of the story. I will try hard to make the storyline more interesting and intriguing. 

Caution: It might contain some explicit mature content in the future, but still not sure yet. I'd warn you if I decided to put the mature scene. Hehe...

Thank you again, thank you, and thank you for loving the story. I love you all more...

Hope to see you again soon in the next update...

Love you~~~

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