Ch 4~ About two months later, interesting news, and an interesting guest

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About two months have passed since "the stripey bastard incident", so dubbed because of how many stripey bastards were present (herself included.) She was mobile and free of most of her injuries at this point. Though her ankle was still very weak after the break. Headquarters had her on leave of absence because of how busted up she'd gotten. Grace wouldn't be given any new work for another two weeks.

After rolling up to the hospital in pieces, the doctors there had told her she had a badly broken ankle, four broken ribs, harsh abrasion burns on her arms, and several severe bruises and lacerations.

Total recovery was still a little while off.

With more recovery ahead the last thing she expected was for her tall, off kilter fireplace to spit green flames before suddenly extinguishing.

She'd gotten mail, and from HQ no less.

Grace's narrow fingers sifted through the freezing cold ash in the hearth until they meet the hard edge of a letter. Pulling a thick, dark purple envelope from the pile of soot, a look of annoyed confusion settles on her face.

"I get that they're always short on hands down there but sweet Jesus on a tortilla, I can still hardly walk! What are they expecting me to do now?"

She half wondered if she could get away with pretending to have never seen the letter. Eyes narrowing she examines the paper with a more discerning eye.

"What business does the parole department have with me?" She whispered after reading who the sender was.

Grace had a nagging feeling she knew what this was about.

From the fireplace in the center of her home she totes the letter down one of the halls, hobbling to her office. Sitting in a large greenish leather chair behind the desk, her hand finds the ceremonial dagger she used as a letter opener waiting on its surface. With a swift tear it cuts the letter open, dumping the contents on the wood before her.

Holding the paper in her hand Fornax's eyes travel its length, pausing at the bottom before rereading the whole thing again. And then reading it again.

After repeating this several times her hands fly down slapping the table.

"What they FLYING FUCKERY are they trying to SHOVE OFF ON ME!"

Breathing deeply through her nose Grace began the long process of calming herself. She wasn't angered by much, it took a lot to rile her, but when she got there it took a lot to cool back down.

Soft steps sounded outside the door before it was pushed open revealing a woman with long black hair and a face full of flashy silver and grey piercings.

"Boss, you alright? I heard you shout from all the way~"

Her words cut short when Grace's hand was raised requesting silence. Several minutes of measured breathing pass before she lowers her hand, slumping into the chair.

The other woman takes this as permission to approach. She walks around to the other side of the desk and rests her arm on the green chair, looking over Grace's shoulder at the object of her bosses rage.

"Hey Tia," Grace says with her forehead held in one hand "weren't you off to get another piercing today? Somewhere in the city right?" Tia looks down at Grace with a smirk tugging at her mouth.

"I finished up early, pretty sure I was weirding them out anyway. Especially when they found out where I live."

This brings a smile to Grace's face and they both laugh at the all too common reaction others had towards her and her town of "Family" members.

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