My Hero: [Soul Eater]

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"You could be a hero - heroes do what's right
You could be a hero - you might save a life
You could be a hero- you could join the fight
For what's right, for what's right, for what's right.

"Each day she goes on is a day that she's brave
Fighting the lie that giving up is the way
Each moment of courage her own life she saves
When she throws the pills out a hero is made
Heroes are made when you make a choice..."

- Hero, Superchick


Soul Evans sighed, his breath showing up in the form of fog. The wind wisped around him, making the part of his hair that was visible, tremble slightly. Rubbing his hands together, he pulled his thick leather jacket closer to him, wishing, for the first time in forever, that he had a car. See, Soul was going to his friends' house. Kid and BlackStar were having a videogame marathon, and he was invited. But at the moment, Soul was rethinking it all. He just wanted to go inside his house now and cuddle up in a dang blanket.

Soul pulled out his phone and hummed along to the melody of a song. He loved music. He grew up in a musical family, and then when he found out he was a demon weapon, he was transferred to the Death Weapons and Meister Academy, or the DWMA. Soul rubbed his eyes, wishing he hadn't stayed up so long. He was tired because he stayed up late last night studying for an upcoming test. It was very important, and it made him also late for his tournament with the guys.

Rounding the next corner, Soul saw a girl with a bunch of papers in her hands, (along with books, binders, etc). It looked as if she had just cleaned out her whole entire locker. Soul put his hands in his pocket, and watched as a group of school girls came out of another house across the street, and instantly glared in the lone girls direction. They walked up to her, and pushed her to the floor, and her papers scattered. The girl just let them push her around, a calm expression adorning her face. Soul just watched, thinking, 'It'snotreallymybusiness. Ishouldn'tinterfere.' More stuff fell out of the girls grip, and then the group left, cackling like witches.

Soul pretended to walk out from behind a trashcan, and swaggered up to the girl who was picking up her stuff, her eyes looking glossy. "Hey, you need help?" Soul bellowed from across the sidewalk. She shook her head. "Nah, I'm fine. Thanks anyway!" He tilted his head to the side, and then bent over, picking up the girls stuff. "Um, you don't have to help me. I'm fine." Soul ignored her, and picked up a couple bottles of Advil, Ibuprofen, and some more books. Handing it to the girl, he helped her up, and she almost fell, trying to balance it all. "Woah! Oh - thanks." Soul had caught her, and then set her back on her feet. "Thanks for the help," the girl said, sticking out her free hand when she regained her balance. "I'm Maka Albarn."

Soul stuck out his hand, shaking hers firmly. "Soul Evans. Call me Soul."

She nodded, and smiled. Soul then studied the girl, finally getting a closer look at her. She had medium length dirty blonde hair, which were strung into pony tails at the side of her head. Her skin was a pale cream, lighter than Soul's, and her big green emerald-like orbs, (Also known as eyes), glowed brightly in the cloudy setting around her. Her body figure was skinny, and chest less, but with smooth legs, complimented by the skirt she wore, and her long trech coat billowing behind her. Soul found her strange, and looked away after awhile. Maka stared back at Soul. She saw his deep red eyes, staring into her own, and his spikey white hair, which was now out from his beanie. Suddenly Maka shivered, and Soul gazed at her for a second before taking off his own jacket.

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