Fuck me

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I couldn't believe him right now.

"Are you ser-leave, get out."

I'm done, just get out.


"No get out! I can't believe you're telling me my hair's too much. You have the same hair."

I pointed at his tight 4c curls.

"No, no." He stepped closer to me. "I like it, your hair looks great like that. It's just that the kids at the party probably wouldn't like it. Like they might say something. I didn't mean to come off like that, your hair looks great, sorry."

I sigh. Bronny is way too attached to white people and what they think. He should give zero fucks about what they think, especially about us. So fucking white-washed it's unbelievable. I can't believe his father isn't seeing this.

"Bronny." I grabbed his wrist, pulling him farther into the kitchen. Then I let his wrist go. "When are you gonna stop trying to be accepted by white people so bad?"

"What? I-."

"No, who gives a fuck about what they think about my hair? Our hair. If they get to wear their straight, blonde, hair out, just like your stupid girlfriend, then so do we. We are no different from any other race. And if you don't get that Bronny, Imma need you to leave."

He didn't know what to say and just looked at me.

"Alright. You're right, my bad, sorry."

He looked down, looking like a dumbass.



He looked back up at me.

"Doesn't your sister have the same hair as me?"

I've seen his little sister on Instagram somewhere. She has a lot of hair. And it's beautiful. I love it.

"Yes, I said sorry Rowanda. That was dumb."

I could see he truly felt stupid for saying that. I grabbed his hand.

"And your sister is beautiful. You're beautiful. We're beautiful. We just them darkskin motherfuckas', ok?"

I remind him. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Yes, we are."

"Yea, so never say that shit again."

I laughed walking back into the living room now. He followed behind me and we went back over to the couch with Ashley.

"Um, is everything ok?"

Ashley asks us. Oh well then I guess she heard us.

Well, me probably.

"Oh, yea, everything's fine."

I assure her with a small smile. I heard the door open and turned around. It was my mom.

"Oh hello guys."

She greets us. Ashley, Bronny, and I stood up.

"Mom this is Bronny. He's the one who's gonna drive me to the party. And Ashley helped me get ready."

She looked at Bronny and smiled.

"You did a nice job Ashley." She grinned at her. "And I heard you two were project partners? I didn't even know." She turned to Bronny now.

"Oh yes, we are." He confirms, nodding his head. "And if you let me take her, I promise I'll get her to the party and back, safely."

He tells her, as if he's my boyfriend, and we're going on out first date.

☆ No Black Girls • B.J ☆Where stories live. Discover now