Alejandro rushed forward, quickly untying the ropes from Kairi's hands and feet. Kairi was silent, all of his thoughts crashing and overloading his head. He felt numb with disbelief and shock.

"Kai, bubs, are you alright?" Alejandro asked, cupping his face.

Kairi kept quiet and averted his gaze.

"What the hell is going on? Why did they call me Lopez?" Kairi whispered.

Alejandro sighed and held Kairi's hands, rubbing the latter's knuckles softly.

"Whatever I tell you next might sound like complete bullshit," Alejandro started but Kairi stood up, pushing him away.

"You have exactly 5 minutes Rosario. I'm fucking confused and I-I don't know what to do anymore," Kairi said, his voice cracking. He crossed his arms and waited for Alejandro to continue, impatiently tapping his foot.

"I run a mafia business. We get missions from the government to take down people and murder them. We take over certain areas of the world and control them. The night I met you, I got shot by one of my targets, Mr. Lopez. He joined forces with our rivals and we hoped to get a ransom or a surrender by kidnapping one of his family members. Apparently, you're related to him. I'm really sorry Kairi, I really should have told you sooner to get the heartbreak over with. You can do whatever you want to me right now. Take your anger out on me or something, I don't care," Alejandro apologized.

Kairi stared into Alejandro's face, incredulous. He could hardly believe his ears. Kairi felt dizzy with all of this information. It all felt like a nonsense dream.

And to think that just a few hours ago, he was just grabbing some dinner.

Kairi took and step forward and Alejandro closed his eyes, bracing for whatever the Wasian was gonna do. What he didn't expect was for tiny arms to wrap around his waist.

"What?" Alejandro mumbled as Kairi hugged him.

"I should hate you for this, but I love you too much," Kairi whispered, his cheek pressed against Alejandro's chest.

Now it was Alejandro's turn to be shocked. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Kairi. To say that Alejandro was relieved was an understatement. He had finally found his soulmate, someone who understood him, and Alejandro was certain that Kairi was going to leave him.

"Shit Kai, you're cold as fuck!" Alejandro exclaimed, pressing his warm hands against Kairi's cold arms.

Kairi merely shrugged his shoulders, shivering as Alejandro grabbed his hoodie and helped his wear it.

"I swear I'm gonna kill those guys outside," Alejandro said through gritted teeth.

"Spare Alex. I like him. The others are pieces of shit," Kairi said as Alejandro escorted him outside. Alejandro froze and looked at Kairi with a raised eyebrow.

"I was joking but really?" Alejandro asked. The boy pulled a gun out of his pocket and loaded it. Kairi gulped as he watched a sadistic grin cross Alejandro's face.

The door swung open revealing Alex, Rick, and the two other guards.

"Hey boss, I-" Rick chirped but a gunshot rang through the air. Kairi gasped as blood dripped down the gaping hole in Rick's forehead. The red haired man fell to his knees and then collapsed on the ground.

Two more gunshots pierced the silent night and Alex stared blankly at the corpses of his comrades.

"Are you not going to kill me next?" Alex whispered.

"You can thank Kairi for sparing your life. Also, you can have the Subway," Alejandro answered, whistling as he walked away.

"Thank you!" Alex cried and bowed at Kairi.

"You're welcome," Kairi smiled and Alex wiped grateful tears from his eyes. Kairi ran to catch up with Alejandro who waited with an outstretched hand.

"I have a lot of questions when we get home," Kairi said as they walked hand in hand down the street. It felt oddly comfortable being around Alejandro, even after knowing his secret. For some weird reason, Kairi wasn't even bothered by the news.

"And I'm here to answer them," Alejandro replied.

Kairi glanced at his boyfriend.

His face was calm and collected, unlike the psycho and sadistic look when he murdered his 3 guards. They walked in peaceful silence until Alejandro broke the ice.

"Are we still good now?" He asked as they got closer to Kairi's apartment.

"I think, that we're perfect," Kairi answered and turned to look at Alejandro.

Alejandro gazed at Kairi with loving eyes. Their lips locked together as they kissed softly. Alejandro snaked an arm around Kairi's waist as Kairi threaded his hands through his hair.

It was all perfect in their own way. Two broken souls trying to make it work.

"Alright, let's start with those questions," Kairi said breathlessly. Alejandro chuckled and pulled the Wasian inside.

«  »

Um, I don't know how this story is gonna play out but whatever.

Another crap ass chapter written at 2 am after a few days of procrastinating 😍

Thank you for 4K guys! Also, I was thinking about a happy ending and then an alternate sad ending because why not.

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